Thursday, October 31, 2019
The UK No-Frills Airline Market Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The UK No-Frills Airline Market - Case Study Example The entry of new companies in the market is one of the factors that greatly affect the competitiveness of companies in the sector since the new companies come with strategies to win customers into their company. Some other factors that affect the competition in the market are the bargaining power of the suppliers, the bargaining power of the consumers, the bargaining power of the competitors and the presence of substitutes in the market. This paper seeks to analyze competition in the no-frills airline market and also compare it with the condition that was there about forty or fifty years ago. The issue of price discrimination and outsourcing is also discussed in the paper. One of the factors that have brought great competition in the no-frills airline market is the entry of new competitors in the market (Krishna & Eric 2003: p.49). The moment new companies join a market; they have the intention of winning some customers so that they can have a share in the market. They also come with new capacities in the market thus challenging the companies which are already in the market. They also come with a desire to gain some substantial resources in the market. The companies are willing to do anything to meet their goals. However, these companies are likely to be affected by the barriers that are present where these barriers are usually high meaning that entry into the market would mean that the company has to sell at a higher price so as to recover its expenses. This gives the existing companies a competitive advantage over these new companies making it quite hard for these companies to survive in the environment. The reaction of the airline companies that are already in the market also matters a lot. If the present companies collude so as to eliminate a new company, it is very easy because these companies have been in the market for quite some time. Most of the companies will always be willing to eliminate these new companies and will do this by colluding with the other companies in the no-frills airline market.Ã Ã
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Future of the Spanish Language in the Unted States Essay
The Future of the Spanish Language in the Unted States - Essay Example Surveys have showed that nearly all US Spanish speakers are indeed Hispanic and this population is increasing at a tremendous rate within the United States. It was in the year 1989 that the Hispanic populace was around 20.1 million within the country which was in essence a 39 percent increase to the figure that was calculated in 1980 Census, at 14.5 million. The rate at which the US population increased during this period was estimated at 9.5 percent but the Hispanic population grew at 7.5 percent. Some studies suggest that Hispanic immigrants who move towards the United States in the wake of seeking better opportunities in life do not make an effort to learn English. They rather focus on their own language ââ¬â a fact that both works to their advantage and disadvantage at the same time. (Estrada, 1988) The benefiting aspect is that they remain in constant touch with what is happening back home and they can move out and gain acceptance within their own society. The limitation of not learning English is that since English is a universal language, they must out on similar opportunities to gain jobs and the like within United States. One important pointer for consideration lies in the fact that Spanish language is taken up by a teenager if his/her parents force him/her to take up the language within the realms of the United States. Since the young ones have been born and bred within the States itself, they do not feel the inclination to learn Spanish and thus do a great disservice to their own language. They are more inclined to find out more or just have a somewhat easy understanding of the English language as it facilitates them in their day to day tasks and activities. (Garcia, 1983)
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Discuss The Contention That Conflict And Dispute Are Inevitable
Discuss The Contention That Conflict And Dispute Are Inevitable INTRODUCTION Conflicts as well as Dispute are for sure inevitable in most of the commercial projects whether big or small. To be precise, Conflict and Dispute is always there, not only in commercial projects but are a part of our daily life. There is always a conflict going on; on as big as on an international level like ongoing dispute between Israel and Palestine to small issues like a husband and wife having a confrontation as where to go out for dinner. Conflict in simple words can be defined as a disagreement over a situation between two or more parties/individuals where they have there own vested interests. Conflict is short termed and is easy to resolve, while on the other hand, dispute is when it becomes deep-rooted and none of the parties seems to be able to reach an agreement. Conflict can be resolved easily while on the other hand there is a need for a third party intervention to resolve a dispute, which itself is time-consuming, expensive and unpleasant. In other words, we can say that conflict can be managed, but to an extent of preventing it. If not, it leads to dispute. CLASSIFICATION OF CONFLICT Conflict can further be classified as Functional and Dysfunctional, depending on the outcome. Earlier, scholars believed that conflict is a bad thing and should be avoided at all costs, but this was contradicted by Mary Parker Follett (1925), who coined the idea that effective conflict management ought not to conceive conflict as a wasteful outbreak of incompatibilities, but a normal process whereby socially valuable differences register themselves for the enrichment for all concerned. Functional Conflict: It works towards the goal of a project. Mary Parker Follett (1925) called it Constructive Conflict, which increases the information and ideas, encourage innovative thinking, unshackles different point of views and reduces stagnation at any stage of the project. Dysfunctional Conflict: It is destructive in nature and blocks the project from reaching the goal. It brings tension, anxiety and stress for everyone involved. It drives out low conflict tolerant people form the project and reduces the trust for everyone involved, resulting in poor decision making arising due to withheld or distorted information and diversion of resources on the conflict rather than the project. Conflict, in general, can be dealt with by following three methods: Lose-Lose method In this, each side gives up some of its interests. This is done by Avoidance by staying away from the problem or withdrawing but it is not a permanent solution. The other option is Compromise which is done by bargaining and negotiating, in which each side looses something. Win-Lose method Also known as domination, in which there is a victory of one side over other and is done by Dominance where one party overwhelms the other party. Authoritative Command is another aspect where the person with authority rules in favor of one party. Win Win Method: Also known as Integration where each side refocuses there efforts so that neither side loses anything and in fact gains. This is done by finding the root causes of the problem, due to which conflict has arisen and then try to meet the interests of all the parties which in the end leaves everyone happy. TYPES AND LEVELS OF CONFLICT Intra-organization Conflict: As the name suggests, conflicts that occur within an organization, at the interfaces of organizational functions. It can occur along the vertical and horizontal hierarchy of the organizations i.e. between the managers and subordinates or between different departments and workgroups. Intra-group Conflict: It is between the members of a group, and is usually due to ways of doing the tasks or achieving goals. Inter-personal Conflict: It is between two or more people due to differences in opinions and views. This may also be due to differences in orientation to work and time in different parts of an organization. Intra-personal Conflict: It is more of a psychological issue. It occurs within an individual, when a person feels threatened to ones values, has a feeling of unfair treatment. Inter-organizational Conflict: It is between two or more organizations, when they are working together, especially on a project. It is not related to competition. Typical example can be that of a conflict between a supplier and distributor. CONFLICT AND DISPUTES ARE INEVITABLE Conflict and Disputes as mentioned are an unavoidable part of any commercial project by the virtue of the nature of the project. Any commercial project involves a variety of transactions as well as relationships on a local, national as well as international level. Due to the complexity of a commercial project involving client, consultant, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers it becomes inevitable. There can be a number of issues for ambiguity between different parties like project delays, change in scope of work, payment issues, design issues, change in specifications, administrative problems, personal damages, inflation etc to name a few. Managers have to build up, nurture and maintain a network of relationships to make there projects a success. Project Delays: Time management is very crucial for any commercial project. All the activities in a project are lined up one after another and are interlinked. Any kind of delay in this causes the whole project to be delayed, affecting the cash-flow as well as ruining the relationship of all the involved. In many cases financial losses are also incurred by those involved due to delay caused by one of the involved. For example, project handing over got delayed due to delay caused by one sub contractor, and for which the main contractor gets penalized. This penalty he will try to distribute evenly between all his sub contractors, which in turn will not be accepted by those who have finished there scope of work on time, hence leading to conflict. Change in Scope/Specifications: Once everything had been finalized, any change in the scope of work or change in specifications can have a direct impact on the financial as well as the lead time of the project, which can result in the conflict between the parties involved. For example for a project, contractor has already procured some material, or has outsourced a particular job, but when asked to incorporate those changes by the client/consultant, he suffers a financial loss or he has to change the supplier with whom he has placed the order to meet the required specifications. Payments: Conflict can arise due to delay in payments either by one of the parties involved in the project, due to financial crunch or because there has been some delay or there is some defective performance in terms of quality by the other. Whatever the case maybe, it disrupts the cash-flow whole project, affecting parties involved e.g. If a contractor doesnt pays to a sub-contractor, he in turn cannot make the payments to his suppliers as well as employees and defaults, which directly affects the progress of the project leading to conflict between the sub-contractor and the contractor. Administrative Problems: It is another issue for conflict arising due to mismanagement or lack of coordination between different agencies involved, which lead to project delays, cost over-run which in turn results in loss for the project. For example, in a project, scope of work of two sub-contractors is interdependent. If there is no coordination between them, it will result in unnecessary delay for the project. Conclusion: The above mentioned are a few aspects of conflict which are common in any commercial project, whether its a construction, development or an IT project. From here we can infer that conflict is a set of inter-related elements namely: parties, issues, dynamics and context. Since it is very difficult in any commercial project, involving large number of players, to maintain a balance between all these elements, conflict becomes inevitable. Conflict if taken in a positive note, and if resolved appropriately, can leads towards betterment and successful delivery of a project. If not they lead towards dispute which itself is unpleasant, diverts valuable resources from the overall aim, is time consuming, costly and destroys the relationship between those involved which may have taken years to develop. Dispute at all cost should be avoided and should be resolved still when its at a level of conflict. DISPUTE RESOLUTION TECHNIQUES IN A COMMERCIAL CONTRACT In any commercial project, there is always discrepancy/disagreement regarding the scope of work, deadlines, etc which leads to conflicts and when they get out of hand, leads to Dispute. Disputes in general, in a commercial contract are addressed to by the following three methods: Negotiation Mediation Arbitration Negotiation is a tool by which we deal with our differences. These differences may be over the price of everyday grocery, or an automobile or a labor contract or maybe an alliance between the two companies. In general as per the academicians and theorists, there are two types of negotiation theories namely Positional Negotiation and Principled Negotiation. While in positional negotiation, negotiation is done in such a way that the other party looses its faith in its own case and submits to the first demands of the first party, in Principled negotiation, a softer approach is taken to reach a solution. It is based on the following principles: Separate people from Problem, Focus on interests, not positions and Invent options for Mutual Gains. Mediation on the other hand gets the involvement of a third party (neutral) to resolve the outstanding issues and helps them to reach an agreement. Unlike negotiation, it is somewhat semi-formal, with the outcome may or may not be binding to the parties, as per the agreement. In case of Arbitration, it is a formal, private form of an Alternate Dispute Resolution. Here the disputed parties refer to one or more persons (arbitrator or an arbitrator tribunal), who in turn reviews the facts and gives the decision which is legally binding on both the parties. The major difference between Mediation and Arbitration is that mediator always tries to reach a compromise while an arbitrator gives decision which is lawfully binding to both the parties. While Negotiation is very common and is used frequently as compared to Mediation and Arbitration, Mediation is the fastest means to as compared to the other two options. The cost incurred is solving the dispute is highest in Arbitration but depends on number of factors, but still, as compared to Mediation and Negotiation. While Arbitration is recognized by common law and the decision made by an arbitrator will uphold in court of law, this is not true in case of Mediation and Negotiation, but depends on the mutual agreement of the disputing parties. However, if agreed beforehand, the agreement reached via Mediation can also be binding for all the parties involved. Apart from these, Litigation is another dispute resolving technique, to which the disputing parties can resort to. This is a formal process in which the case of the disputing parties is taken to the court and the proceedings are held in public. Compared to Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration, Litigation is a Slow, time consuming and a very expensive process, where the trials are held in public and there is no scope for confidentiality. THE POTENTIAL USE OF PRINCIPLED NEGOTIATION IN THE INDIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Negotiation is a tool used by means of a dialogue between the two or more parties to resolve issues, bargain or to satisfy ones vested interests which can be broadly classified into needs, aspirations, fears and desires. Negotiation is classified into two types: Positional Negotiation Principled Negotiation Principled Negotiation is a relatively new phenomenon, which was coined in late 70s by Fisher and Ury. They gave four basic principles for the Principled Negotiation which are as under-. Separate people from the Problem Focus in interests and not problems Invent options for mutual gains Select among options by using objective criteria Charles G. Fields has described Principled Negotiation as a 7 elements framework namely Interests, Options, Legitimacy, Communications, Relationships, Commitments and Alternatives. INDIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY AND PRINCIPLED NEGOTIATION After agriculture, construction sector is the largest industry in India. India being a developing country and estimated to become the third largest economy by 2025, and with an economic growth rate of almost 7%, there is a huge demand for the infrastructure and construction projects. Every year, Billions of US$ are spent, both by public and private sector on construction and infrastructure protects. As the construction market is growing by leaps and bounds, so as the conflict and dispute, which then go to the court of law (litigation) to be resolved. The judicial framework of India moves at a very slow pace and is very expensive, and hence there is a need for an alternative. Principled Negotiation, on the other hand is much less time consuming and expensive as compared to litigation and also the relationships between the parties are also not destroyed and consequently the disputing parties reach to a satisfactory agreement. Due to this, not only Principle Negotiation technique but Alternate Dispute Resolution Techniques have a good potential in India. REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: Conflict [online], available: [accessed 10 September 2009] Gray, C. and Larson, E (2008) Project Management: The Managerial Process, 4th ed., Boston: McGraw-Hill. Fisher, R., Ury, W. and Patton, B. (1991) Getting to Yes: Negotiating an Agreement without giving in, Second Edition, Century Business, London. Fenn, P and Gameson, R (Eds) (1992), Construction Conflict: Management and Resolutions, Chapman Hall, London Trust and conflict within virtual inter-organizational alliances: a framework for facilitating knowledge sharing [online], available: [accessed 12 September 2009] Rahim, M. Afzalur , Toward a Theory of Managing Organizational Conflict. International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2002. [online] Available: [accessed 12 November 2009] Fernandez Jimenez de Cisneros, Inmaculada, Dorado, Miguel à ., Martinez, Ines, Medina, Francisco J. and Munduate Jaca, Lourdes, Types of Conflict and Personal and Organizational Consequences. IACM 15th Annual Conference. [online] Available: or doi:10.2139/ssrn.305068 [accessed 12 November 2009]
Friday, October 25, 2019
Rucksack Rendezvous :: Traveling Travel World Vacation Essays
Rucksack Rendezvous Introduction "Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lie, Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise." -The Beatles For many people this is the image that is conjured up when one speaks of third world travel and many times it is this way because of lack of knowledge or lack of resources about the country in question. It is also possible that the person may not have had the chance to study the country and therefore does not clearly understand what goes on there. So many people think that a trip south of the boarder will bring them nothing but diarrhea and hassles. This image is simply not what you will find. Another scenario is that of the timid traveler who feels that traveling through such remote areas would prove treacherous or worse. Sometimes people are afraid that unrest may occur and they may be left with nowhere to turn. Once again this is a notion that is not completely realistic. The problem comes from the lack of information about these countries and an increased encouragement by national businesses to keep your travel funds in your own country. Many of the United Statesââ¬â¢ surrounding countries could benefit from the travel dollars that we as Americans tend to use exclusively in our country. However, the money is not going there. It seems to me that anyone spending there money for the experience of traveling through a third world country would be adequately compensated in life lessons. In this hemisphere alone there are so many travel destinations that it is enough to boggle the mind. It only takes some simple research before you will see that travel to third world countries is not only possible but affordable, safe, and practical. There are many people who have already found the pleasure that is experienced when visiting any one of the many natural wonders or urban settings of the worldââ¬â¢s vast geographical locations. National Standards: Whether your traveling with a group or alone there is a valuable lesson to be learned in the area of using maps and other geographical tools to acquire and process information. Traveling also helps you to use mental maps in order to give spatial perspective to the world.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
KFC Corporation Essay
KFC Corporation, or KFC, founded and also known as Kentucky Fried chicken is a chain of fast food restaurant based in Louisville, Kentucky. KFC is a brand and operating segment, called a ââ¬Å"conceptâ⬠of Yum! Brands since 1997 when that company was spun off from PepsiCo. KFC primarily sells chicken in form of pieces, wraps, salads and sandwiches. While its primary focus is fried chicken, KFC also offers a line of roasted chicken products, side dishes and desserts. Target Market ââ¬Å"The process of evaluating each market segmentââ¬â¢s attractiveness and selecting two or more segmentsâ⬠As the outlets of KFC are in posh area and prices are too high (overhead expenses-rent, air-conditioning, employees), so KFC target upper and middle classes. Target market depends upon size and growth rate of population, company resources and structural attractiveness of market segment. Market Positioning For a product to occupy a clear, distinctive and desirable place relative to ââ¬Å"competing products in the minds of target consumer.â⬠In KFC feedback is taken from the customer in order to know the customer demands and then improvements are made in the product. KFC focuses on pure and fresh food in order to create a distinct and clear positioning in the minds of customers, KFC has a strong brand name and they are leading market in fried chicken.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of Aluminium â⬠Analytical Chemistry Essay
Introduction Atomic Absorption relies on the principle that each atom absorbs light of a particular wavelength, and hence at that wavelength the quantity of that absorption is proportional to the elements concentration. The first technique used in this analysis was Electrothermal Atomisation, known as Graphite Furnace-AAS. The components of a Graphite Furnace AAS are similar to that of Flame AAS, they more or less use the same components, with the exception of the component used to heat the sample. For a Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer the schematic is: Hollow Cathode Lamp ââ â Graphite Tube ââ â Monochromator ââ â Detector The Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL) is a selective/specific light source made from the element of interest. The HCL contains an inert gas which is usually Argon or Neon. Ionization of the inert gas takes place, which causes acceleration of the gas into the Cathode. This causes the metal atoms (Al) of the cathode to sputter into the gas phase. The collision of sputtered atoms with the Argon atoms or electrons, excite the metal to higher energy levels. It is the process of decay that occurs which causes excited electrons to emit light in their return down to lower energy levels which is shone through the sample in the Graphite tube. Ar + e- ââ â Ar+ = 2e- M(s) + Ar+ ââ â M(g) + Ar M(g) + Ar+ ââ â M*(g) + Ar M*(g) ââ â M(g) + hv (light) The monochromator isolates the absorption line obtained from the sample, giving an accurate depiction to the detector. While the detector measures the intensity of the light and produces an electrical signal equivalent to the intensity. The sample is injected directly into the graphite tube, which is then heated. The tube provides thermal energy enough to break bonds within the sample and produce free atoms of the analyte. The sample undergoes three stages of heating, which are all imperative to the analysis of the sample: Step 1: drying of sample (which is the removal of water and the solvent) happens at approximately 125 degrees celsius. Step 2: ââ¬Ëashingââ¬â¢ of organic matter (removal of organic and inorganic material, essentially any matrix) happens at approximately1300 degrees celsius. Step 3: Vaporization of analyte atoms (free analyte atoms in light path) ââ¬â happens at approximately 2400 degrees celsius Step 2 is important for preventing Spectral Interference in the analysis. Due to the fact, there is no flame used in this particular technique there is no combustion products, hence there improved sensitivity of between 10 and 10^3. Method 1. From stock standard of Aluminium provided, prepare concentrations of 10ppb, 20ppb and 50ppb. 2. Add 2ml of 10% HNO3 to each standard and make up to volume in polycarbonate flasks using Ultra High Purity water (UHP water). 3. Prepare a blank: 2ml of 10% HNO3 diluted with UHP water. 4. Take 50ml samples of tap water from: a laboratory sink, a tap in C block, a sink from alternative lab. 5. Add 1ml of 10% HNO3 to each sample as a preservative. 6. Ensure all solutions are mixed well before loading into carousel. 7. Load carousel in order of: blank, then set of standards filling all inner positions. 8. Load samples into outer carousel using small cups. 9. Run analysis. Optimising the GF-AAS is important to ensure maximum efficiency of detection. This is done via running the standards over a range of pre-treatment and atomisation temperatures to determine the conditions for maximum response. Running the blank is important in establishing the base-line reading ââ¬â this acts as a correction factor, as you can determine how much absorption you find in your samples as a result of the solvent.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Ultimate Local Scholarships Guide How to Find and Win Them
Ultimate Local Scholarships Guide How to Find and Win Them SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You may already know a lot about some of the big, popular, national scholarships - programs like the Gates Millennium Scholarship, the Coca-Cola Scholarship, McDonaldââ¬â¢s Scholarships, and so on. If youââ¬â¢re interested in applying for scholarship money, itââ¬â¢s definitely easiest to start with awards that you already know about. But if you only focus on these big awards, you could be missing out on a lot of cash. Local scholarship awards may be smaller than the most famous scholarship programs, but there are so many awards out there that it would be silly not to look into local options. Here, Iââ¬â¢ll talk a bit about how these local awards differ from the national ones and why itââ¬â¢s important that you consider these smaller scholarships. Then, Iââ¬â¢ll talk about how you can find scholarships in your community. Iââ¬â¢ll end with tips and strategies for submitting the best possible applications for local scholarship awards. Keep reading if you want to win the most local scholarship money possible! How Are Local Awards Different From National Ones? The scholarships you may already have heard about offer some seriously large monetary awards: The Gates Scholarship covers all unmet need through college; the average annual award through 2014 came to about $12,500. The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship gives winners $20,000. The McDonaldââ¬â¢s HACER Scholarship gives $100,000 over four years. With big payouts like these + name-brand recognition, youââ¬â¢re going to come up against a lot of competition for these awards. This doesnââ¬â¢t mean you shouldnââ¬â¢t apply for them - it just means you should also look into local awards. What Makes Local Awards So Great? Local scholarships, by definition, are going to be targeted towards a smaller pool of potential applicants. The award amount may be smaller - theyââ¬â¢re probably not funded by international private organizations - but they also will be less competitive.That means you often have a much better chance of receiving an award! There are some other serious advantages that come with focusing on local scholarships: First, it'll probably be easier for you to seek out personalized information and feedback about available scholarships. This is because you have resources available to you in the form of guidance counselors, teachers, or community leaderswho may know about local programs.This means you're more likely to find awards that are a good fit for you. Second, becauselocal scholarshipsare relatively small (on average), you may find that their application processes are less intensive than thoseof the huge, national awards. This means it may be easier for you to apply for the awards you're interested in. Are you convinced yet that you should check out some small, local scholarships? If so, keep reading! How to Find Local Scholarships in Your Community There's no one way to go about looking for local scholarships, but there are a lot of different resources for you to take advantage of. The following tips and strategies will help you find as many appropriate local awards as possible. Talk to Your Guidance or College Counselor Your guidance and college counselors are awesome resources. They tend to be very plugged into info on local awards and scholarship programs, and because they also (presumably) know you, they may be able to point you to awards that arethe best fit for you. You'll make a good impression on your counselor if youââ¬â¢re proactive andspeak to herabout awards.This will help you learn about local awards, of course, but it'll also be helpful when it comes time to find references forcertain scholarship applications. Guidance and college counselors often write great letters of recommendation. Focus on Local Community and Cultural Centers Community and cultural centers are hubs of local activity. If there are any popular local scholarship programs available, these centers may have information on them. They may even offer scholarships themselves! Take Advantage of Online Resources The College Board's scholarship databaseis a great place to start looking, even when it comes to local awards. The databasemay not have info on extremely limitedorvery small scholarships, but it does include state-based awards. Another thing to keep in mind is this resource doesnââ¬â¢t just list scholarships based ongeography - itconsiders allsorts of relevant group affiliations that may affect scholarship eligibility. In addition to looking atthe College Board's website, you'll want to do your own experimenting with looking for scholarships online. Start with some trial and error with Google - for example, search for "scholarship [your town]," "scholarship [your county]," "scholarship [your state]," or "scholarship [group affiliation]." Independent online research is key tofinding local awards. Submitting the Best Applications for Local Awards If you already have some local scholarship programs in mind (or even if youââ¬â¢re still looking), itââ¬â¢s important to submit the best scholarship applications possible to maximize your chances of winning money. Each local program is likely to have its own application, criteria, submission deadline, and administrative protocols. Keeping track of all of this information and actually completing the applications will be a pretty significant commitment on your end. As such, you want to make sure each application is appropriately submitted - you donââ¬â¢t want to put in a ton of work and not have anything pan out because you didn't follow instructions! The following tips will help you optimize your success rate in applying for local awards. Step #1: Make Sure You Meet All Eligibility Criteria This is a big one - small awards are likely to have smaller, more specific target audiences, so you donââ¬â¢t want to waste your time applying for a scholarship that you have no chance of winning. Chances are you'll be automatically disqualified if you don't meet all criteria, regardless of your other accomplishments. If you have any questions about eligibility criteria, or if theyââ¬â¢re unclear, contact the scholarship program ASAP so that they can clear things up. Step #2: Ask Yourself If You're a Good Fit This is related to the previous tip - because smaller local awards might be targeting smaller groups of students with specific interests, strengths, or backgrounds, youââ¬â¢ll want to assess whether youââ¬â¢re a good fit for the award before applying. For example, let's say you find an award for scholar-athletes. If you'revery strong academically but the last sport you played was JV lacrosse freshman year (and you sat on the bench for most games), you probably wonââ¬â¢t be a competitive applicant. It might be prudent to skip an application like this even if you technically meet all eligibility requirements. Ultimately, you'll want to look for scholarships that fit best with your strengths. You may not be an ideal scholar-athlete, but maybe your time spent volunteering with local nonprofits would make you a competitive applicant for a community service award, for example. Your "fit" for a specific program is perhaps more important than your raw accomplishments. Step #3: Emphasize Your Ties to the Scholarship and the Community Local scholarship programs are typicallycreatedand run by local people who are invested in students in their community. Boost your chances of winning local scholarships by emphasizing your connection to this community. You'll want to start by thinking abouthow you conceptualize this "community." What is the group that the scholarship program is targeting, and how are you a part of it? If you're looking at a state-wide scholarship, itââ¬â¢s likely to be state-funded. You don't necessarily have to get too gung-ho about how much you love your state of residence. If you're looking at a scholarship based on some other geographical area (e.g. your city, town, or county), spend some time brainstorming about what this community means to you, how youââ¬â¢ve participated in it, why you value it, etc. You donââ¬â¢t have to gush about it in your application, but if you have an opportunity to write an essay make sure to emphasize these connections. If you're looking at a scholarship based on a non-geographical community (e.g. a local organization, religious or interest group, etc.), youââ¬â¢d take the same sort of strategy as above. Do your research on the groupââ¬â¢s mission and values if applicable. Youââ¬â¢ll want your application to be congruent with these values. For example,if youââ¬â¢re applying for a community service award, talk about how the scholarship would help you further serve your community in the future. If youââ¬â¢re applying for a scholarship thatââ¬â¢s awarded in memory of another individual, learn about that person! Chances are that family friends of that person are the ones going over applications. Do you sharecommon interests and values? Step #4: Complete All Parts of the Application Before you even start a scholarship application, read through all the paperwork tomake sure you'reable to provide everythingthat's required. For example,if the scholarship is due tomorrow and the app asks for a letter of recommendation, itââ¬â¢s probably not going to happen. Plan on submitting the application exactly as itsrules state,even if the program is old school and asks you to fax the application or something silly like that. Common application componentsinclude: The application itself, including demographic information Application essays Financial information (for need-based scholarships) Academic information, like transcripts and test scores(for merit-based scholarships) Letters of recommendation Other supporting documentation (e.g. records of volunteer hours) Step #5: Make Sure to Meet the Deadline Submitting a scholarship application late doesnââ¬â¢t make a good impression, and itââ¬â¢s likely to disqualify you. Donââ¬â¢t wait until the last minute to submit a scholarship either - you donââ¬â¢t know if youââ¬â¢ll have technical issuesor missing paperwork that might delay the process. Give yourself time to fix your application if you come across any issues. If you have to ask for letters of recommendation, give people 3-4weeks advance notice. You might want to account for even more time if you are asking for recs during the ââ¬Å"busy seasonâ⬠(around late fall). Final Tips for Success Hopefully, you're now all set to start looking for those awesome local scholarships.In order to optimize your chances of success, it's better to start sooner rather than later - a big chunk of awardsare meant for high school seniors, so it's ideal to start your research early on in your junior year. This gives you plenty of time to organize everything you need to submit successful applications. If you're already a senior, don't despair! There still may be scholarships out there for you. Just make sure to be especially mindful of deadlines, as they may come up pretty quickly. Finally, make it your mission to apply to several scholarship programs (and not just local ones, either). Don't put all your proverbial eggs in one basket by just applying for a single award, no matter how great of an applicant you are. Good luck, and go get 'em! What's Next? There are so many different types of scholarship programs out there. If you're just starting your research, it's smart to familiarize yourself with your options before submitting any applications. Start by checking out our guides to the top scholarships for high school juniors and seniors. You'll also want to read our article about the easiest scholarships to apply for - these applications can be completed in no time! Finally - tying into my comment earlier in the article about different kinds of communities - you might also want to look at our guide to the best scholarships for minority students. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom Windmere Trust Company essay
buy custom Windmere Trust Company essay This paper seeks to verify information about a service level agreement or contract. This discussion will be in relation to the Windmere Trust Company legal case. A service level agreement or contract is an agreement between a customer, and network service provider that describes what services the network service provider will give and it is usually in measurable terms. Most Internet service providers offer their customers with a service-level agreement. In the present times information system departments in central enterprises have approved the idea of writing a service level agreement and one of these leading companies is Windmere Trust Company. The importance of a service level agreement is to ensure the services being offered to the customers can be evaluated, justified, and at times compared with those of outsourcing network providers. Windmere Trust Company has adopted a new state of the art software system known as CASE Computer Assisted Software Engineering. This has been through the effort of the current Senior Vice President, Allan Bartt, who presented the idea in a management committee conference, in Toronto. The proposal presented in the meeting by the senior vice president aims at doing away with the current computers and in place putting up a mighty latest hardware platform. In addition, the senior vice president proposed a re-developing of all of the companys software systems by bringing in new tools. The meeting was a success as the council had accepted the proposal, and now all Alan Bartt had to do is bring the results. Windmere Trust Company is a comprehensive firm located in Canada. It deals majorly in trusts being the sixth largest trust company in Canada at the time of its inception in 1962. Currently the company has five main business groups- the real estate financing subsidiary, the equipment financing part, the savings division, finances and investment, and trust services, and mutual funds group. Windmeres current Chief Eecutive Officer-Scannell believed in effective information systems and the competitive value a firm gains from having an effective information system. To this effect, Scannell supported Allan Bartts plan to change the information system tools. The approval of Bartts proposal means that Windmere Trust Company will have to hire a service provider that will supply the information system department with the tools necessary for the upgrade. In the process, a service level agreement will be necessary between the chosen service provider and Windmere Trust Company. In this agreement, there are several issues that will be present including the percentage of the times the services will be available, the number of users of the tools, and particular performance benchmarks to which real performance will be periodically compared. In addition, the service level contract will provide the provision of usage statistics, help-desk response time for diverse categories of problems, dial-in contact availability, and the program for notification in advance of network alterations that may have an effect on the users. This will be necessary information as the company is a large company serving several people and with a high number of staff. Before the respective stakeholders of the company and service provider can sign this agreement, the two parties will have to provide information concerning the information systems, which in most cases is a large department of any company. At Windmere Trust Company, the information department consists of 80 personnel whose offices are in Vancouver. The section is split evenly between the operations group and the development and administrative staff. At this time, the companys original computer was a Micro data minicomputer, which at the time of its acquisition was remarkably advanced. Through the times of its operations, the company has adopted various advanced hardware and application software, which have seen the current efficiency of the company. Scannell was nott contented with the hardware and software applications present in the company as all the five main branches of the company were not productive by using the current information systems. Further research into the information system department revealed exceedingly difficult issues in the section, which required immediate attention. The departments costs were too high, and the staff number was ridiculously gargantuan. The recommendations included reducing the number of staff from 80 personnel to 20 and cutting down the budget cost. This would mean introducing new tools in the department that would be cost friendly and increase efficiency of the company. This was the idea of Allan Bartt who had just joined Windmere Trust Company. In this case, the service level agreement would have to indicate the following matters, which the information system department needed to transform. The number of minicomputers it will have to supply to the company because they needed to replace the current hardware and the new network will need to have scalability and responsiveness. The service provider will have to know the exact specifications that Windmere required to achieve its transformation goals in the information system department. On the part of the software, a new software application was to be put up using CASE tools. There would be user documentation for the new systems that will have online maintenance. All this will be in the service level agreement between the two stakeholders, which will be created once they come to an agreement. The service level contract plays the leading roles of describing the customers demands and ensuring that the supplier delivers in his works. In business, the customer is always right and, therefore, the service provider will be mandated to provide what the customer needs or describes in the document. The SLA distinguishes the duties of the customer and provider that ensures the customer knows whom to call in case of a problem. Buy custom Windmere Trust Company essay
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Anti-discriminatory practice Essay Example for Free (#5)
Anti-discriminatory practice Essay The problems that can be encountered within staff training and development is that Betty may want the training to take place on a Saturday but the carers who have the day off on Saturdays may not want to go because it may be the only day off they have in a week. Betty could then rearrange the day and have staff training during the week but the downside of that is that there will be no carers left to care for the residents and also there will be a funding problem because Betty will then have to try and get other carers in just for that day. Funding The problems that can be encountered with funding is that if quite a few staff members take the same day off like a Wednesday then Betty will have to ring the staff who shouldnââ¬â¢t be in on Wednesday and see if they will come in, but they donââ¬â¢t want to. Betty will then have to ring and ask see if she can have agency staff to come in and work which will then be costing money that they probably havenââ¬â¢t got. Discrimination The problem with discrimination is that people have their own beliefs and values. A carer doesnââ¬â¢t like black people and there are 1 or 2 black people in the care home where she works. This carer takes in their own beliefs and values before their line of work; this means that the carer will be nice to the ââ¬Å"blackâ⬠residents when another carer is around but when they are on their own with them they call them names and are just discriminating against them because of their own beliefs and values. If the ââ¬Å"blackâ⬠residents complain about this carer then she will get assessed and if it is still going on she will end up with the sack and also taken to court. Manager There are problems with managers like funding because some carers may want a pay rise and if there isnââ¬â¢t enough money then obviously the carers cant have their pay rise and they may quit their job as a result of this. Another problem for a manager is that the care home could be an old building. Old buildings are more likely to have damp and to start falling down. This could link into the funding because if there wasnââ¬â¢t enough funding then the care home would have to get closed down because they wouldnââ¬â¢t be able to re-damp proof the walls/ceilings and also they wouldnââ¬â¢t be able to afford building works. Cooks There are a few problems for cooks because if they havenââ¬â¢t got enough staff working in the kitchens then everyone would have to be fed at different times which could be a problem with service users if they had a set feeding time. Storage is a problem because if it was a small kitchen then the cook wouldnââ¬â¢t have enough room to store appliances and food. Under trained staff is another problem because if staff wasnââ¬â¢t trained properly then germs could be passed on and also food may not be cooked properly. Cleaners A big problem for cleaners is that they could be denied access to a room by a service user. The reason this is a problem is that the cleaner may not get paid if all rooms are not cleaned properly although it wouldnââ¬â¢t be the cleaners fault. Cleaners can also have problems with respect because some carers think they are better than the cleaners because they donââ¬â¢t have to do the dirty jobs other than changing some residents. Receptionist Problems for receptionists is that if there is a client on the phone and there was a problem then the receptionist would get a mouth full although it wouldnââ¬â¢t be there fault. The reason the receptionist would get an ear full is because they are the first person that the client is going to speak to on the matter and the client will think itââ¬â¢s the receptionists fault because they answered the phone. When actually all the receptionist is there for is to make and/or receive calls and also to book appointments. Communication can be a problem especially if the service user doesnââ¬â¢t speak English. The reason this would be a problem is if the service user didnââ¬â¢t speak English then the receptionist will not understand what they rang up for. Carer Carers get a lot of problems because they could be discriminated against especially if they were male. The reason for this is that there are more female residents in a care home than there are males and some women donââ¬â¢t like to be washed by a bloke even though that is what they were employed for. Anti-discriminatory practice. (2017, Sep 10).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Alternative Fashion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Alternative Fashion - Research Paper Example A person who spots alternative fashion styles usually does so, to stick or conform to the subculture that has a unique way of conducting itself outside the mainstream lifestyles. Subcultures, in this case, refer to cultures that consume a majority of a personââ¬â¢s time and are different from predefined social norms. This way, alternative lifestyles are used to show conformity and a sense of identity with the group that one belongs to and its significance. For example, nudism as an alternative lifestyle advocate for people to stay naked or expose their bodies in any manner that makes them feel comfortable. In this case, the alternative fashion is that which helps them identify and portray the values that their lifestyle stands for. However, on alternative lifestyles, people are sometimes classified according to various stereotypes found in the society and not according to their lifestyle. For example, for people who like to live a gothic lifestyle from the dark ages, are usually labeled as Satanists despite having no affiliations with such groups or practices (English Republic). Since this is just but a stereotype, the real value of their lives lies in their outlook of the world around them. In this case, their outlook on life is usually dark, and their thought focus is usually on death. The need to sport alternative fashion in the form of torturous materials and disturbing images adorned on their clothes comes from this outlook. Moreover, on lifestyle, alternative fashions are adorned by members of certain groups and stick to them as their identifying factor in the lives they lead. The groups do not necessarily have written codes but an understanding of how they behave and conduct their activities is known. This is in people such as hippies who are known to be friendly, open-minded and tend to love everyone they meet.
Managing Diversity and Equal Opurtunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Managing Diversity and Equal Opurtunity - Essay Example According to this theory, discrimination is categorised into realistic, social and consensual discrimination. Realistic competition refers to a type of discrimination is driven by self-interest, which a person or group of people intend to obtain things like food, shelter, customers or territory among others. This form of discrimination is perpetuated when one group, which is often advantaged favours its members to enable them receive or obtain more same resources as compared to the others (Blank and Citro, 2004, p. 57). Social competition on the other hand is a kind of discrimination driven by desire for self esteem. The intention of this discrimination is to achieve positive social status for members of one group or groups as compared to other disadvantaged groups. Finally, consensual discrimination refers to a kind of discrimination based on desire to be excellent or accurate. This type of discrimination reflects legitimate and stable hierarchy status of a specific group of people. Example of this form of discrimination is racism, where certain race feels more superior as compared to the others. It is worth noting that discrimination can be perpetrated anywhere by any person or group of persons. ... evident during hiring and firing, compensation, classification of employees or assignment, recalling, laying off, promotion, transfer, testing and recruitment of employees. It is also evident during utilization of companyââ¬â¢s resources, apprenticeships and trainings, pay, fringe benefits, retirement plans or disability leave of employees. Discrimination behaviour or action is evident when bosses become harder on certain employees than others based on irrelevant characteristics such as gender, race, height, weight, sexual orientation, physical disability or age. This is unethical especially if one losses or suffer damage like not getting well deserved promotion or pay hike. Discrimination takes many forms and are based on what Cahn (2002) refer s to as irrelevant characteristics such as age, disability, genetics, religion, race/ colour, sex or nationality. Examples of different forms of discrimination are listed as follows. If a person decides to donate to help disadvantage membe rs of the society like helping the orphans, but decides to donate less to others out of racist attitude, the person acts discriminately even if he benefits the recipients. Excluding students from an educational institution, training program, loan, student group, opportunities or scholarships on the basis of age or colour is some form of discrimination. Excluding people from housing, contracting/leasing or obtaining a loan on the basis of sex or age is also discrimination (Lucas, 2009). Refusal to give (advance) credit or perpetuating unequal loan terms for people because they are people from a different religion or gender is also discrimination. In the past, the government of the day in countries like South Africa and Papua New Guinea develop policies of racial discrimination during the era of
The primary focus will be on the comprehensiveness of understanding Essay
The primary focus will be on the comprehensiveness of understanding the many components that are necessary to consider when desi - Essay Example The content of what children are taught in preschool and the method of teaching, or the curriculum is what measures the effectiveness and quality of learning in preschools. Programs focusing on serving 3- and 4-year-olds should decide the content of what children learn, as well as the best way to learn, if they are to improve childrenââ¬â¢s school success by enhancing their early skills and knowledge. The aim of this paper is to offer a framework that those making decisions can make use of when evaluating curriculums that would be suitable for a preschool program. Definition and scope of a preschool Childrenââ¬â¢s Health Encyclopedia defines a preschool as ââ¬Ëan early childhood program in which children combine learning with play in a program run by professionally trained adults.ââ¬â¢ Common enrolment years are children aged between ages three and five. Kids as young as two can attend preschools. While a daycare is to enable parents to work, preschool emphasis is on lear ning and development. Before the 1960s, education of young children was primarily the role of families within the home. Nowadays, most young children spend a big part of their time away from their parents. This may partly be attributed to an increase in the number of mothers working away from home. Parents also feel the desire to give their children a head start academically. The qualities of a good preschool, according to the National Institute for Early Education Research are: Helping children to expand their knowledge and build on their vocabulary Focus on literacy and language skills, plus and interactive book reading An emphasis on teaching children basic problem solving skills Learning beginning skills involving the alphabet, numerals and spatial awareness Preschools with the above qualities are only possible when the curriculum designed is good enough. That means the curriculum designer or decision-maker has in mind, the child, the parents and the teacher. For instance, when involving parents, the curricula can help make program-family partnerships or set up continuous meaningful communication with families. Curricular decisions should consider childrenââ¬â¢s ages, learning needs, cultural and linguistic backgrounds and economic status. Prior experience and training for the teacher is also important. Components of a Preschool Curriculum Given the many types of curriculum models available, there is an uncertainty regarding which models are appropriate for young children overall or more understandable to the population of the three and four year olds. Though the fields of early childhood advocates for programs that utilize what are known as Developmentally Appropriate Practices (Bredekampe & Kopple, 1997), it has not much research to endorse any single curriculum model as the best. Additionally, not a single state government or federal body directs use of just one particular curriculum in the publicly funded preschool programs. When the term curriculum is left undefined it may be very difficult to know what should be learned. It is also hard to sketch ââ¬Å"the set of goals which are the aims of education for childrenâ⬠(as cited in Spodek & Saracho, 2003) in their programs, and what supports the ââ¬Å"childrenââ¬â¢s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growthâ⬠(as cited in Bowman et al., 2001). The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Associ
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Driven to Explore (Portfolio#3) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Driven to Explore (Portfolio#3) - Essay Example Many of these artists fought failure but through persistence and different faith bases, they become popular and often, well known even. These artists used their spirituality in their works as their beliefs became intertwined with how they were able to express it. Spirituality can influence creativity. Some of these artists simply believe in a higher power, not necessarily assuming a specific religion. Many of them believe that a God of some sort gave them the power to create and it is their purpose, taking them on a journey of the unknown. People are driven to explore beyond what they know in their cultures and their own personal experiences influence their abilities to create. Oftentimes, artists are so deep and analytical, they need to seek a purpose in life. For them, they often seek an understanding and are embarking on an emotional desire for their reason. It is through embarking on their journey through spirituality that they find the calling in their lives which then comes out in the form of creation and artistic
Changes Introduced by the Ottomans to Arab Urban Life Essay
Changes Introduced by the Ottomans to Arab Urban Life - Essay Example The Chronicle and the Muslim courts record document that are the relocation of the aesthetically distasteful industries in the city, and above all, the tanneries as the population spread beyond the old wall. For the same reason, cemeteries and mosques sprang out in areas where even none had ever existed (Hathaway and Barbir 145). Public baths also increased in the number, thus indicating the larger concentrations of the people in the broader expanse of the territory. The court note, in addition, settled disputes within the new neighborhoods, property purchases, non-Muslims, and some merchants living in the neighborhoods where they were formally unrepresented. This indicates some positive demographic shift in the urban areas. Another change that was introduced in the urban was the improved marketing. The constructions of gathering places like the mosques brought together people, which in turn resulted in the exchange of good and services (Hathaway and Barbir 139). The construction of the stalled building also attracted more merchants who brought in different goods for sale, since it was easy for them to store their merchandize and find a place to live. Besides, as it was before the era of Ottoman, Muslims never lived near the Christians or other groups of people. However, during the Ottomans era, they are seen to at least move closer and even stays near their neighborhoods. This is some of the changes that were introduced in the urban. Respect within the residential quarters and the people security indicates other critical changes that were introduced (Hathaway and Barbir 144). As seen, the quarters are squeezed only separated by the wall but every one respected his or her neighborââ¬â¢s property. Besides, the union was also among changes that were introduced. Merchants would walk and cluster together in the neighboring home to the marketing center, and will comfortable welcomed (Hathaway and Barbir 140). From the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The primary focus will be on the comprehensiveness of understanding Essay
The primary focus will be on the comprehensiveness of understanding the many components that are necessary to consider when desi - Essay Example The content of what children are taught in preschool and the method of teaching, or the curriculum is what measures the effectiveness and quality of learning in preschools. Programs focusing on serving 3- and 4-year-olds should decide the content of what children learn, as well as the best way to learn, if they are to improve childrenââ¬â¢s school success by enhancing their early skills and knowledge. The aim of this paper is to offer a framework that those making decisions can make use of when evaluating curriculums that would be suitable for a preschool program. Definition and scope of a preschool Childrenââ¬â¢s Health Encyclopedia defines a preschool as ââ¬Ëan early childhood program in which children combine learning with play in a program run by professionally trained adults.ââ¬â¢ Common enrolment years are children aged between ages three and five. Kids as young as two can attend preschools. While a daycare is to enable parents to work, preschool emphasis is on lear ning and development. Before the 1960s, education of young children was primarily the role of families within the home. Nowadays, most young children spend a big part of their time away from their parents. This may partly be attributed to an increase in the number of mothers working away from home. Parents also feel the desire to give their children a head start academically. The qualities of a good preschool, according to the National Institute for Early Education Research are: Helping children to expand their knowledge and build on their vocabulary Focus on literacy and language skills, plus and interactive book reading An emphasis on teaching children basic problem solving skills Learning beginning skills involving the alphabet, numerals and spatial awareness Preschools with the above qualities are only possible when the curriculum designed is good enough. That means the curriculum designer or decision-maker has in mind, the child, the parents and the teacher. For instance, when involving parents, the curricula can help make program-family partnerships or set up continuous meaningful communication with families. Curricular decisions should consider childrenââ¬â¢s ages, learning needs, cultural and linguistic backgrounds and economic status. Prior experience and training for the teacher is also important. Components of a Preschool Curriculum Given the many types of curriculum models available, there is an uncertainty regarding which models are appropriate for young children overall or more understandable to the population of the three and four year olds. Though the fields of early childhood advocates for programs that utilize what are known as Developmentally Appropriate Practices (Bredekampe & Kopple, 1997), it has not much research to endorse any single curriculum model as the best. Additionally, not a single state government or federal body directs use of just one particular curriculum in the publicly funded preschool programs. When the term curriculum is left undefined it may be very difficult to know what should be learned. It is also hard to sketch ââ¬Å"the set of goals which are the aims of education for childrenâ⬠(as cited in Spodek & Saracho, 2003) in their programs, and what supports the ââ¬Å"childrenââ¬â¢s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growthâ⬠(as cited in Bowman et al., 2001). The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Associ
Changes Introduced by the Ottomans to Arab Urban Life Essay
Changes Introduced by the Ottomans to Arab Urban Life - Essay Example The Chronicle and the Muslim courts record document that are the relocation of the aesthetically distasteful industries in the city, and above all, the tanneries as the population spread beyond the old wall. For the same reason, cemeteries and mosques sprang out in areas where even none had ever existed (Hathaway and Barbir 145). Public baths also increased in the number, thus indicating the larger concentrations of the people in the broader expanse of the territory. The court note, in addition, settled disputes within the new neighborhoods, property purchases, non-Muslims, and some merchants living in the neighborhoods where they were formally unrepresented. This indicates some positive demographic shift in the urban areas. Another change that was introduced in the urban was the improved marketing. The constructions of gathering places like the mosques brought together people, which in turn resulted in the exchange of good and services (Hathaway and Barbir 139). The construction of the stalled building also attracted more merchants who brought in different goods for sale, since it was easy for them to store their merchandize and find a place to live. Besides, as it was before the era of Ottoman, Muslims never lived near the Christians or other groups of people. However, during the Ottomans era, they are seen to at least move closer and even stays near their neighborhoods. This is some of the changes that were introduced in the urban. Respect within the residential quarters and the people security indicates other critical changes that were introduced (Hathaway and Barbir 144). As seen, the quarters are squeezed only separated by the wall but every one respected his or her neighborââ¬â¢s property. Besides, the union was also among changes that were introduced. Merchants would walk and cluster together in the neighboring home to the marketing center, and will comfortable welcomed (Hathaway and Barbir 140). From the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Investigatory project Essay Example for Free
Investigatory project Essay Banana is very much common in the Philippines. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants and is grown in at least 107 countries, primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent to make fiber, banana wine and as ornamental plants. Musa acuminata or Musa balbisiana or commonly known as Banana has an impressive potassium content and is highly recommended by doctors for patients whose potassium is low. vitamin B6, soluble fiber, and moderate amounts of vitamin C and manganese are also abundant in Banana. Putting all of the nutritional figures together, it clearly shows that banana is one of the healthiest fruits. There is a protective outer layer (a peel or skin) with numerous long, thin strings, known as the phloem bundles, which run lengthwise between the skin and the edible inner portion. They are strings that go up and down the length of bananas and enable to help distribute nutrients to every part of the growing bananas. Toothpaste is a paste or gel dentifrice used with a toothbrush as an accessory to clean and maintain the aesthetics and health of teeth. Toothpaste is used to promote oral hygiene: it serves as an abrasive that aids in removing the dental plaque and food from the teeth, assists in suppressing halitosis, and delivers active ingredients such as fluoride or xylitol to help prevent tooth and gum disease (gingivitis). STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The problem that connects in this project is ââ¬Å"What will be the effect if the skin of the banana will be used as an alternative for toothpaste.â⬠The answer or hypothesis in the said problem is ââ¬Å"if the skin of the banana will be used in making a new kind of toothpaste then, it would enable to help whiten the teeth, the product to be made would be cheap and it will be acceptable by the consumerâ⬠. Prev Page
Monday, October 14, 2019
Non-communicable diseases Diseases of Excess
Non-communicable diseases Diseases of Excess Non-Communicable diseases often referred to as Diseases of Excess or Diseases of Affluence are increasing in both rich and poor countries. What factors are contributing to this trend? What are the implications for public health policy? Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1948) where as Disease is a condition where any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of any body part, organ, or system that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs and whose etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or unknown (Dorlands Medical Dictionary, 2007). Disease can be divided broadly into two categories as Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases (on the basis of its spread). Communicable disease is a disease which can spread from one individual to other through any carrier/organism (Malaria, HIV/AIDS, etc). It is also known as Infectious or Contagious disease. There are many factors responsible for the cause of communicable diseases like social, environmental, sanitation and education. Non Communicable disease is a disease which is not communicated from one individual from another (Hypertens ion, Cancer, etc). It is also known as Chronic diseases because these diseases takes lot of time to show the sign and symptoms within an individual. The major causes for NCDs are lifestyle, habits like smoking and alcohol, inadequate diet and physical inactivity. Communicable diseases was reported to be the major cause of death in earlier time where as Non Communicable diseases(NCDs) are of major threat in current era except in some countries like Africa where still people die out of infections. In some countries like USA, the leading cause of death in 1900s was tuberculosis and pneumonia where as these diseases are secondary nowadays and their places are acquired by the cardiovascular diseases on the top and cancer being the second. The main reason for the reduction in communicable diseases are the improvement in diagnosis, treatment, sanitation, nutrition, housing, working conditions, preventive measures such as immunization, evolution of life saving drugs like antibiotics and sulpha drugs. Non-Communicable diseases or Non-Infectious diseases are caused by factors mainly behavioural, lifestyle and heredity and which cannot be transmitted to other individual. It is also caused as the Disease of Affluence or the Disease of Excess as it is caused due to negligence or disturbance caused in the normal routine lifestyle which is mainly found in the upper class of the society where there is more chances of misbalance between diet and work can be seen. Few of the examples which come under non communicable diseases are Heart diseases, Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, etc. Acc. to WHOs statistics in 2008, Heart Stroke has become the leading cause of death globally leaving behind the infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, etc. In 2003, there was an estimated 56 million death globally, out of which 60% death was supposed to be due to non-communicable diseases (WHO, 2003). Among NCDs, 16 million deaths resulted from cardiovascular disease (CVD), especially Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and Stroke; 7 million from Cancer; 3Ã ·5 million from Chronic Respiratory Disease; and almost 1 million from Diabetes (Ibid). Apart from these, mental health problems are also the leading contributors to the burden of disease in many countries nowadays and play a major role in contributing to the severity and incidence of other NCDs. NCDs are now considered to be the major threat contributing 59% of death in 2000 and predicted to account for 73% by 2020 (WHO, 2002). NCDs are also termed as a Disease of Affluence due to incidence and prevalence mainly in the developed countries (Anand K et al, 2007). But according to them, this seems to be a misleading term as the NCD trend is increasing at a higher pace in middle and low income countries leaving them in a double burden of Communicable diseases as well as NCDs. It can more appropriately be labelled as Disease of Urbanisation (Ibid). Several studies done by them have proved that the NCDs and its risk factors are found in higher proportion among urban population than rural population. Their study shows that urban population has increased during past decade due to migration where as urban growth is stabilized at 3%. Contrary to it, the urban slum growth rate has doubled which has made the situation worse as these migrated poor people living in urban areas will adopt the NCD lifestyle but will not be in a condition to access the healthcare due to their poor purchasing ability. Study shows a high prevalence of NCDs risk factor in the urban slums of Haryana, India. The population residing in the slums is at high risk than the urban population due to poor access as well as no social and health support system for them. This requires an urgent intervention which can work at national, community as well as local level. A framework of the policy is required at national level which has tobacco and alcohol control measures, promotion of good diet and involvement of proper exercise. Simultaneously, reorientation and strengthening of the governments health system is needed to face the challenge of NCDs community level efforts to create an environment which promotes adoption of healthy behaviors. To overcome this situation, government has started the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) which provides a rational basis for decision making and impl ementing public health interventions and also ensures involving the slums as well (Ibid). A survey was being conducted by Anand et al in urban areas slums of Faridabad District, Haryana, India, in February 2003 to June 2004 for checking out the prevalence of NCDs in urban poor people. Their study followed the STEPS approach of WHO where questions related to tobacco use, alcohol intake, diet, physical activity were included and history of treatment for hypertension, diabetes, physical values like height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure were also measured. They surveyed 1260 men and 1304 women of age 15-64. The result came out of this survey was very alarming. The rate of smoking and alcohol drinkers were high among urban slums male population. Almost one third of the population had at least one risk factor. Alcohol consumption among younger population indicates gradually falling economy of the country in the coming future. The table 1 (Appendix) shows that NCDs are the leading cause for the death in both developed and developing countries except some countries like Africa where still today, there is more number of death due to communicable diseases than NCDs. In 2003, 2Ã ·8 million CVD deaths occur in China and 2Ã ·6 million in India. NCDs contributed substantially to adult mortality with central and eastern Europe having the highest rates (WHO, 2003). The Table 2 (Appendix) shows that the developed countries have seven NCDs out of ten leading risk factors which are contributing to the global burden of disease, where as six and three out of ten with low and high rates of mortality respectively, in the developing countries. These NCD risk factors are increasing at a higher rate in the developing countries and assumed to continue in the same manner for the next two decades. Chronic diseases attribute to the 46% of the global burden of the disease, Cardio Vascular Diseases (CVDs), in particular. Although some of the communicable diseases are still prominent in the some parts of the Africa, Asia and Latin America, deaths mainly due to chronic diseases were reported in five out of the six WHO regions (Africa, America, South east Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Pacific and Europe). In developing countries also, 79% of the deaths are reported due to the chronic diseases. Incidence and prevalence of obesity, diabetes, cancers, respiratory diseases and other NCDs are increasing all over the world (Murray and Lopaz, 1996). Developing country like China has experienced an epidemiological transition shifting from the infectious to the chronic diseases in much shorter time than many other countries. The pace and spread of behavioral changes, including changing diets, decreased physical activity, high rates of male smoking, and other high risk behaviors, has accelerated to an unprecedented degree. As a result, the burden of chronic diseases, preventable morbidity and mortality, and associated health-care costs could now increase substantially. China already has 177 million adults with hypertension; furthermore, 303 million adults smoke, which is a third of the worlds total number of smokers, and 530 million people in China are passively exposed to second-hand smoke. The prevalence of overweight people and obesity is increasing in Chinese adults and children, because of dietary changes and reduced physical activity. Emergence of chronic diseases presents special challenges for Chinas ongoing reform of heal th care, given the large numbers who require curative treatment and the narrow window of opportunity for timely prevention of disease (Gonghuan Y et al, 2008). Common Non-Communicable Diseases Cardiovascular diseases include all the heart diseases like hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, etc. Annually, 17 million deaths are reported mainly due to the CVDs globally out of which 80% are reported in low and middle income countries with a continuous increasing trend (Reddy and Yusuf, 1998). Acc. to Lenfant, CVD will be the leading cause of the death by 2010 in the developing countries due to changes brought about by urbanization and industrialization. Due to costly and prolonged treatment cost of CVDs, developing countries are at greater prevalence for the risk factors, higher incidence of disease and higher mortality (Reddy, 2002). Diabetes is increase in blood sugar level in a person. International Diabetes Federation has released the statistics in 2003, according to which diabetes patients will going to increase from 194 million in 2003 to 330 million in 2030 and at that time every 3 out of 4 living person will be diabetic. The age of diabetic patients in developing countries is comparatively more than developed countries. The cases found in developing countries are above the age of retirement which may lead to conditions like blindness, amputations, kidney failure and heart diseases (Boutayeb and Twizell, 2004). Cancer and its type are increasing at an alarming rate worldwide. It is known to be the major cause for the mortality and morbidity. More than 10 million new cases and over 7 million deaths from cancer occurred in 2000 (Shibuya et al., 2002). Developing countries contributed by 53% in incidence and 56% in deaths. By 2020, there will be an increase of around 29% cases in developed countries and 73% in developing countries (Mathers et al., 1999). Lung, breast, stomach, colorectal and liver cancer are the most frequent in developing countries. Cancer and its related types can be treated on a preventative basis. Early detection and control of risk factors like tobacco and alcohol can be said to be the cornerstones in this process because it is estimated that over one third of the cancer types are preventable and around one third are potentially curable if they are detected early (Alwan, 1997). Other NCDs includes chronic respiratory diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, mental and depressive disorders, osteoarthritis, hearing loss and disorder of vision (WHO, 2003). They all contribute mainly to the burden of disease in developing countries. Conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure also has a double impact, either as a disease or as a risk factor for other NCDs (WHO, 2004). Risk Factors The life expectancy at birth has increased since 1970 in all the high, middle and low income countries (UNDP, 2005). Due to this factor, longer life span has resulted in the predominance of the chronic diseases in the population. The epidemiological transition has resulted in the higher proportion of the adults population due to decline in fertility rates and the infant mortality rates. The behavioural risk factors like smoking and nutritional transition towards diet having high fat, high sugar with low carbohydrates and fruits along with the physical inactivity and increase in alcohol consumption have become the greatest health challenge in the 21st century (Magnusson, 2007). The environmental causes are also responsible for the emergence of NCD as an epidemic. These factors have brought up the nutrition transition by industrialisation of the food production, expansion of the market economies in the developing countries, the growth of the complex supply chain management at a global level, rapid growth of supermarket in the developing world and the growing concentration of global food manufacturers (Ibid). Some other key factors like rising incomes, production of cheap and low energy-dense foods, growing urbanisation and increase in growth in demand for pre-packed food are also the major risk factors for NCDs (Ibid). The evolution of NCDs has put up a double burden on low and middle income countries. Diabetes and lung cancer are also reflecting rise in the rate of smoking and obesity which are called to be the major risk factors for the NCDs (Leeder, 2004). In the year 2001, 17 million people died due to heart diseases where as 3 million people died due to AIDS (Ibid). During this year, heart disease and stroke were the leading cause of death in both high income and low-middle income countries, accounting for 27 and 21% population respectively. Out of all, 83% of death occurred in the developing countries (Ibid). Evidence has shown that CVD occurs at an early age in developing countries, consuming their productive years of life. Globally, obese people are also increasing at a higher pace with a far higher number overall in developing countries. Due to this, diabetic patients are also increasing with more number falling in the 45-65 age group (Ibid). Tobacco causes 4.8 million premature deaths in the year 2000, half of which were in the developing world (Ezzati and Lopez, 2003). Since 1975, cigarette consumption has decreased sharply in the developed countries, but it is continuously rising in developing countries due to the rapid increase in population. More than 1 billion smokers lives in the developing counties out of 1.3 billion smokers globally which indicates that forthcoming threat of tobacco related epidemic will impact the developing world. Even after non smoking awareness programme through out the world, there will be around 1.45 billion smokers in 2025 (Guindon and Boisclair, 2003). Tragically, half to two third of the chronic smokers will die out of their habit (Jamison et al, 2006). Peto and lopez has estimated that if this trend continues, 10 million people will die every year because of tobacco where 7 out of 10 will be from the developing countries resulting in around 150 million death till 2025. The ageing of populations, mainly due to falling fertility rates and increasing child survival, are an underlying determinant of non-communicable disease epidemics. Additionally, global trade and marketing developments are driving the nutrition transition towards diets with a high proportion of saturated fat and sugars. This diet, in combination with tobacco use and little physical activity, leads to population-wide atherosclerosis and the widespread distribution of non-communicable disease. Globally, many of the risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, cancer and pulmonary diseases are due to lifestyle and can be prevented. Physical inactivity, Western diet, alcohol and smoking are prominent causes for the NCDs and its risk factors. Tobacco is number one enemy of public health (WHO, 2000). It is the most important established cause of cancer but also responsible in CVDs and chronic respiratory disease. In the twentieth century, approximately 100 million people died worldwide from tobacco-associated diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, diabetes and CVDs. Half of the 5 million deaths attributed to smoking in 2000 occurred in developing countries where smoking prevalence among men is nearly 50%. Today, 80% of the 1.2 billion smokers in the world live in poorer countries and, while tobacco consumption is falling in most developed countries, it is increasing in developing countries by about 3.4% per annum. However, albeit these striking facts, the majority of developing countries which signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) (Joossens, 2000) remain passive about the control of smoking. Obesity and dietary habits represent potential risk factors for CVDs (Kenchaiah et al., 2002), type 2 diabetes (Drewnowski and Specter, 2004), and some types of cancer (Key, 2002), especially in absence of physical activity (Derouich and Boutayeb, 2002 and WHO, 2003b). Fish is considered to be a useful food intake to prevent CVDs and reduction of CVD associated deaths (Stampfer, 2000). Similarly, intake of an adequate quantity of fresh fruit and vegetables is recommended to help reduce the risk of coronary disease, stroke and high blood pressure (WHO, 2002). But, developing countries finds it more fruitful to export most of the quality fruits and vegetable production in exchange of the foreign currency. Alcohol causes more than 2 million deaths every year in the world. It is particularly associated with liver disease and esophageal cancer. The increase in alcohol consumption in developing countries will add other hazards caused by violence and road accidents to the burden of disease. Public health policy and its implications Lee, Fustukian and Buse provide a helpful framework for disentangling four dimensions of global health policy-making (Lee et al, 2002) as:- * Policy Actors They are the power (political) who can drive the policy and decision making at a global level. In case of NCDs, United Nations, WHO, FAO, WTO, World bank, Codex Alimentarius Commission, etc. * Policy Process Process through which policy is developed and implemented. Interactions and relationship between policy actors. * Policy Context For NCDs, its global. * Policy Content Effective strategy should address universal prevention , selective or primary prevention for high risk group and targeted or secondary prevention and treatment for those with existing conditions. It is pretty clear that NCDs has its roots in unhealthy lifestyles or adverse physical and social environments. Risk factors like unhealthy nutrition over a prolonged period, smoking, physical inactivity, excessive use of alcohol, and psychosocial stress are among the major lifestyle issues. Now to our understanding, it is known that what has to be done so we have to work more on how to do it (Aulikki et al, 2001). Well planned community programmes can be a successful step towards this process. Several factors like cultural, psychological, political and economical factors has created a gap between what needs to be done and day to day happening in the developing countries because of which major health challenges cannot be achieved. So, a community programme will help in bridging this gap and also helps in changing the NCD related lifestyles (Ibid). . The policies made at an international level also require global processes which can help to achieve a stable policy change at a country level, thus reducing the long term harm associated with it. International law is an example for this type of process. Multilateral agreements contain legally binding obligations, such as the WHOs Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). FCTC includes hard law conventions. FCTC is an evidence-based treaty that identifies core areas of agreement over regulatory measures that involved countries are leally required to implement within their own domestic systems (WHO, 2005). Apart from FCTC, there are some soft law resolutions and declarations too, like United Millennium Declaration and WHOs Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (GSDPAH). WHO also worked in the area of chronic, lifestyle related diseases through Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (GSDPAH, 2004). It works on a strategy which builds on the role of t obacco, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity in the most NCDs. GSDPAH works in close relation with the UN agencies, the WTO, World Bank, other Development banks, Codex Airentarius Commission (WHO, 2004). One of the most significant health development programs within the United Nations system is the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs are a global partnership embracing ambitious goals to be achieved collectively within 15 years timeframe from 2000-2015 (Magnusson, 2007, p 6). The MDGs and FCTC serve as helpful models when considering ways of strengthening the global response to non-communicable diseases. The ideal step for developing countries to overcome the NCD epidemic and they have to plan and implement accordingly to control NCDs. Each community based prevention programmes require the same principles to be followed. As an example, The North Karelia Project in least developed areas of Finland which was based on low cost lifestyle modifications and community participation (Puska P et al, 1981). The reason to follow the general principle can be the collaboration between countries and different international organizations working on the similar fields and projects like WHOs countrywide Integrated Non Communicable Disease Intervention (CINDI, 1985). Even these sort of integrated programmes like CINDI were implemented in developed countries; they are now followed by the developing countries too. Many of these programmes are carried out in conjunction with the WHO integrated programmes, which was started in 1986. After the success of CINDI programme, American regional office had also l aunched CARMEN (AMRO) programme in 1990s. With the regional development experience, WHO has launched similar programme in Asian and African networks. In Latin America, Cuba is carrying out the NCD prevention programme from long time with the collaboration with the WHO activities where Havana and Cienfuegos as the main sites. Chile also participated in the Interhealth Programme CARMEN and was the first Latin American country to join this programme and many other countries followed it. Argentina has started PROPRIA heart health intervention as an active network at various demonstration sites (Aulikki, 2001). Africa has started community based CVD prevention programme long time back. Nigeria, Mauritius and united republic of Tanzania participated in Interhealth Programme and gained the positive responses. Mauritius intervention programme recorded considerable effect of nutrition policy and education interventions on diet and serum cholesterol levels, although rates of obesity and diabetes increased (Dowse G et al, 1995). Asias community-based initiatives have been initiated in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Iran and other countries. Particularly active development has taken place in China, where the Interhealth Programme was involved in initiatives in Tianjin and Beijing (Tian et al, 1995) . The Tianjin project in China was one of the major project launched in 1984 in China. This project was also cooperating groups in Finland, China and USA for NCD control since 1989. This project focused on 4 leading NCDs of China, i.e. stroke, coronary heart disease, cancer and hypertension. The aim of this project was to reduce sodium intake in the population, decrease smoking especially among men and provide hypertension care by reorganizing the existing primary health care services. The result of this project shows a significant reduction in the sodium intake after three years and also reduction in number of patients of Obesity and hypertension among 45-65yrs old after five years of the intervention. Smoking cases were also reduced among men, especially those with the higher education (Aulikki et al, 2001). Health education and the media campaigns also play an important role in the community programmes. Media campaigning although leaves the less impact on the population, it is one of the effective measure in the comprehensive package. Health service intervention such as primary care centre in the long run can also be one of the most effective intervention tools. This strategy can more appropriately work where certain biological risk factors such as hypertension and high blood pressure are dealt with. Primary health care workers played an important role in both North Karelia project and Tianjin project (Ibid). The North Karelia project worked on a concept of Community organization where various sectors of the community were collaborated and involved. It involved many non governmental organizations (NGOs), such as Housewives` organizations. It is not easy to collaborate with the industries and businesses at a small community but a classic example for it is finlands cholesterol level, which reduces with the support and collaboration of the food industries, who supported the policy decisions (Puska P et al, 1986). Aulikki et al had made some recommendations for a successful NCD prevention program which must include the following factors. A good understanding of the community, close collaborations with the various community organisations and the involvement of the local population is important for any community intervention programme. It should combine well planned media and provide some communication messages in the community activities. It should involve different elements such as primary health care workers, food industries and supermarkets, voluntary organisations, schools work places, and local media for its success. It should be cost effective, mainly in the developing countries. For this reasonable outcome, effective dose intervention is a very important requirement (Aulikki et al, 2001). The increasing NCDs burden should be controlled by the developed and developing countries as a global health priority. International organisations with the national, regional and each individuals contribution can make these programme a success. Controlling of risk factors like smoking, alcohol, obesity, diet and inactivity, sexual and environmental factors are must and should be considered seriously and worked upon to treat it. The poverty and the high cost of prevention and treatment of chronic diseases causes burden on many countries and thus demands for international solidarity and public private partnership. The coordination of health decision makers, non-governmental organizations, research institutions, community groups and individuals is must for controlling the incidence of diseases, preventing the spread of epidemics and regulate the health management of human and material resources (Boutayeb, 2005). WHO is a political champion for coordinating global response. The developin g countries face problem in the implementation and enforcing the policies that are set up by the international legal standards which have a normative role and also these legal standards are not self executing, so compliance can be monitored by the NGOs and government. A global approach in a way like this could reduce health inequalities (Magnusson, 2007). REFERENCES Ã · Anand K, Shah B, Yadav K, Singh R, Mathur P, Paul E, Kapoor S K (2007), Are the urban poor vulnerable to non-communicable diseases? 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