Saturday, August 31, 2019

Beauty Industry

Beauty industry in currently developing at a fast pace, to meet the demand. Nowadays, people pay more attention to their appearance, hence they use a lot of cosmetics. However, beauty products must undergone a plethora of tests before they are launched onto the market. That issue raises a question: should animals be subject to the tests? The answer still remains ambiguous, yet this topic is frequently discussed in media. In fact, the society is split over the issue and it is almost impossible to reach a consensus. Nevertheless, I believe that beauty products shouldn't be tested on animals. First and foremost, testing on animals is clearly cruel and unethical. Animals feel pain in the same degree as humans do. It is proved, that our physiological systems are in similar to a large extent. Moreover, it is unconceivable how many species die during these acts of cruelty. Even applying a non-invasive beauty products on an animal's skin can have tragic effects, not to mention harmful ingrediencies that can lead to fur's and skin's destruction or even skin cancer and consequently death. It is impossible to estimate the number of species that have already died during the tests. People should really ponder, whether testing a lipsticks or a foundation is worth killing innocent rats or guinea pigs. Second, why should researchers be permitted to harm those innocent species in such a harsh way? They are often part of our families, loyal companions; therefore, we should demure this actions. People shall not have power to injure any species and determine their lives. What is more, animals also exhibit fear, just like humans. They feel a need to be free and live their lives. In laboratories they are locked up in cages and people decide over their life and death. Moreover, animals are treated there in an atrocious way. For scientists, they are just a subject to a research not a living organism. They don't bother their well being at all, yet animals are closed and kept in unholy conditions. Finally, humans and animals are entirely different species when it comes to anatomy; hence they can react on the same substance in a different way. Therefore, the outcome of the tests isn't entirely reliable, as a lot of people believe. Therefore, we cannot pronounce the beauty product to be effective and harmless after checking its influence only on animals' skin. It is possible that the product, which has undergone a test on an animal and was certified to be innoxious, can have a negative impact on humans. Therefore nor animals nor humans benefit from this brutal tests. Moreover, beauty products are intended for human spices and their certain needs. When it comes to animals, it is paradoxical to test lipsticks or eyeshadows on them, yet it is know that their anatomy vary greatly from ours. Their body parts differ from the ones that humans have and their epidermis is largely covered in hair. Undoubtedly, comparing the influence of certain cosmetics on dissimilar organisms defeats the purpose.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Theme Analysis ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ by Oscar Wilde

‘Nineteenth Century Short Stories' is a collection of tales from the nineteen hundreds. This essay will concentrate on just one of these stories. It will include a thorough analysis of the story including my views and opinions towards the language, imagery and setting that the author uses. The story I have chosen to analyse is ‘The Nightingale and the Rose', by Oscar Wilde. This is one of many children's stories that he wrote, as he is well known to have ‘used the form of fairy tale to reflect on modern life and to debate ideas'. ‘The Nightingale and the Rose' is a very poignant story following the theme of love.The theme is conveyed in this story through the actions of the Nightingale. It demonstrates how one life would sacrifice itself in order to make another happy. From the Nightingale's point of view, this is a tragically ironic story. For she thinks that the Student must be a ‘true lover' – she thinks that he would give anything for one nigh t with the Professor's daughter. ‘She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses†¦ yet for want of a red rose is my life made wretched', the Nightingale hears him cry; and on this evidence alone she bases her opinion: ‘Here at last is a true lover.'When in fact the only feelings the Student has for the Professor's daughter are those of material love. He is only interested in her beauty. He says to himself ‘She has form – that cannot be denied to her' but then he says ‘She would not sacrifice herself for others', which is exactly what the Nightingale is about to do for him. She is willing to sacrifice her life for love; for the Student to be able to spend one night with the girl he supposedly admires. An interesting point to note is when the Student mentions that the Professor's daughter ‘has some beautiful notes in her voice.What a pity it is that they do not mean anything, or do any practical good. ‘ Now Nightingales are renowned for having beautiful voices, but the Student does not appreciate the wonderful art of music. A few paragraphs before these lines the Nightingale sings to the Student telling him of how she intends to sacrifice her life for him; ‘be happy; you shall have your red rose. I will build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with my own heart's-blood. ‘ Although he cannot understand them, these words are, in fact, deeply meaningful to the Student.And as for music doing no ‘practical good', well, what would you call the outcome of the red rose? The Nightingale died and the rose was born. Music made that red rose. The Student does not realise how wrong his judgements are. We find out that the only ‘true lover' was in fact the Nightingale. She was the only one with sincere feelings, and she was prepared to sacrifice her life for those feelings, even though she knew she would not gain anything from it. The fact that she was doing it for love, and that she was making someone happy, was enough for her. She was really the only one who deserved love – the only one worthy of it.The Nightingale was love. She went to the greatest extremes to find a red rose for the Student to give to the Professor's daughter. She flew all around the garden trying to find a red rose. She flew to ‘the centre of the grass-plot', and 'round the old sun-dial', and finally ‘beneath the Students window', where she eventually found a red rose tree. But the tree was damaged, and would not bear a red rose. the only way the Nightingale could obtain a red rose from this tree, would be to ‘build it out of music by moonlight', and stain it with her ‘own heart's-blood'; and that is what she did.The story is set in a garden of fantasy – it is full of talking creatures and trees; not unlike the Garden of Eden in the Bible, which had a talking snake. Perhaps the author used a garden because in the Bible it is very symbolic, and its story has many lessons and meanings. Maybe that was what Oscar Wilde was trying to convey in his writing.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Advantages of Skilled Worker Migration

Advantages of Skilled Worker Migration Doctors Without Borders â€Å"Doctors Without Borders†, written by Charles Kenny, discusses the advantages of allowing skilled workers to migrate from a â€Å"poor† state into a â€Å"rich† state and vice versa. Kenny also states that when medical doctors are allowed to migrate and work in other states it can cause all of the states involved to benifit. His main point in this article is that allowing skilled workers to migrate would boost the global economy and lower poverty rate in lower class states where the individual migrant workers migrated from. Kenny uses key facts regarding migrant workers total income to strengthen his argument. He states that between 1985 and 2005, the amount of foreign high income citizens in a state has jumped to nearly 10 percent. Kenny says â€Å"That’s great news for the rich states that benefit from their skills, of course. But as it turns out, it is also great news for the poor countries the migrants leave behind† . Kenny states that every immigrant on average sends approximately six thousand dollars in remittance per year to their home country. Also when migrant workers immigrate, they increase the trade between the two states by ten percent (Kenny 2). With this remittance, migrant workers can cut down poverty by nearly one third percent in low class countries (Kenny 2). Another fact that Kenny uses to prove his point is the booming IT industry in India. Kenny says that because so much information about technology was transmitted back to India in the 1990’s it has caused over 2.5 million people to be hired for IT work. The final point that Charles Kenny uses in his article is that the United States is moving in the opposite direction regarding this topic. Kenny’s opinion toward the United States and its idea about this article is this, â€Å"It is hard to find a more confused discussion than that surrounding ‘brain drain’. Opposition to unskilled migration is usua lly based on perceived self-interest, the threat of stolen jobs — a misguided fear, but at least a rational one.† Kenny says And at the other end of the degree process, there is growing concern about a â€Å"reverse brain drain,† as more foreign graduates from U.S. schools decide to return home rather than find jobs in America — again, often on account of byzantine immigration rules. Meanwhile, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee has proposed deep cuts to State Department international exchange program budgets that support the Fulbright program, among others. This shortsightedness regarding a program that promotes the talent trade in both directions isn’t just bad news for the development prospects in Africa or Asia; it’s likely to convert into a further erosion of America’s long-term productivity. The idea of doctors without borders has also affected the international system and its main actors tremendously. It has caused an incre asing number of politicians to being favoring immigration and bringing attention to the gains an individual state in the international system can create for itself on the individual scale within the state. For individual states in the international system, this topic draws much interest. Nearly every state in today’s global economy would like to strengthen themselves economically. With the increase of knowledgeable, skilled, migrant workers, individual states citizens will have more inspiration to acquire higher paying jobs. Kenny says that this is possible due to the amount of remittance sent back to a migrant’s home state. â€Å"If the amount of remittance sent to a migrant’s home state was doubled, it would lower the poverty rate and begin to balance the national economy. The amount of money sent back to home countries would triple the amount of foreign aid sent in the past year. This topic also effects individual global state on a more national level. As a growing number of educated immigrant workers enter into a country, non-governmental organizations will be strengthened. Fields of study like healthcare and technology would be improved drastically. For example intergovernmental organizations regarding workers of a skilled background can be strengthened by the increase of skilled migrant workers. In the global scale, the admittance of migrant workers into states needing skilled labor can benefit not just the country with the migrant worker, but the whole global community. On a lower scale, organizations located inside a state can be boosted also. With the increase of skilled migrants, organizations like IDCI’s, NDGO, SCOS, and many other non-governmental organizations can benefit by the increase of foreign workers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Traxial Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Traxial - Lab Report Example A triaxial cell was used in the experiment. The soil was encased in the cell. The soil was loaded hydrostatically until the desired pressure was obtained. The axial load was increased up to the soil failure, when the pressure was constant. The resulting deformation, and applied load was measured using a system of acquiring data, and load deformation curves plotted. When the soil reached a high confine pressure, it reached a brittle-ductile transition (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). Beyond this stress condition, the soil increased the load capabilities with no observed failure due to the additional axial strain that was imposed (Zhang et al. 2010) Introduction A triaxial compression test involves a method that is used in measuring the chemical properties of solids that are deformed such as rocks, soil, powders, or granular components. During this method, water or oil as medium of confining is normally used to ensure that the confining pressure is same in the different dire ctions. In the case of loose granular components like sand, the soil is kept in a cylindrical latex sleeve having a flat circular platen or metal plate covering the bottom and the top ends (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). The cylinder would then be placed inside the water bath to offer pressure along the cylindrical sides. The top metal plate would be driven mechanically down or up along the cylinder axis to have the material squeezed. In this case, the distance covered by the top metal plate is obtained as a force function that is needed to be moved. In this case, the surrounding water pressure is controlled carefully (Zhang et al. 2010). The volume net change of the given material would equally be measured depending on the amount of water that moves inside and outside the bath (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). This measurement is obtained whenever water has saturated the samples through taking the measurement of the quantity of water flowing in an out of the p ores of the given samples. In order to understanding the characteristics of the triaxial compression test, an experiment was set to investigate the undrained triaxial compression test. The key objective of the experiment was to find out the undrained shear strength of soil samples through the use of the triaxial compression test. Experiment procedure The apparatus used in the study involved a triaxial cell, and the soil component. Water under pressure was poured into the triaxial cell. The specimen was vertically loaded through a ring to ensure that the load was measured. The vertical load was increased up to when a failure occurred. At the same time, the vertical strain was recorded using the dial gauge. This test was repeated using different cell pressure values. The samples were extruded out of the tube and trimmed to the size of the soil sample. The soil sample had a diameter of 38mm and a length of 76 mm. The samples were then sleeved using a rubber membrane. The samples were t hen put on the pedestal at the cell bottom and sealed using a ring of rubber. The loading cap was placed on top of each sample and equally sealed using the rubber ring before having the drainage tube secured. After this, the cell was mounted over the sample and filled following the checklist of the flooding triaxial cell. The test was then set up with the help of the assistant from the clip studio, and the checklist for the pressurising triaxial cell completed before running the stages of the test. After completing the stages of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Medicare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medicare - Research Paper Example It is a program being implemented by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Medicare is divided into four parts. The first part is the Hospital insurance (Part A). This helps to pay for inpatient care in a hospital or skilled nursing facility, (after hospital stay), home health care and hospice care (Social Security Online, 2010). Medicare insurance (Part B) covers doctors’ services and other medical services and supplies which are not covered by hospital insurance (Social Security Online, 2010). Medicare Advantage (Part C) can be availed of in many areas. Those under Medicare Parts A and B can opt to receive all their health care services through the provider organizations under Part C (Social Security Online, 2010). Finally, drug coverage (Part D) assists in the payment of medications for which doctors prescribe for the treatment of their ailments (Social Security Online, 2010). Medicare is different from Medicaid. Medicaid is a program which provides aid for those who cannot afford medical services. Different states have different rules on eligibility and coverage; and in some cases, these programs do overlap and some individuals may qualify for coverage under both programs (Social Security Online, 2010). This Medicare program is significant for public health because it helps ensure that all people receive quality health care and are entitled to improved outcomes (DeWalt, Oberlander, Carey, and Roper, 2006). Some studies also point out that Medicare programs help control the cost of health care as it improves health outcomes of the people covered. It also helps prevent illnesses and reduce waiting times with doctors; and through the coordinated efforts of the Medicare programs, many states are able to encourage practices which â€Å"improve the timelessness of care and also†¦reduce the rate of no-shows to clinic appointments† (DeWalt, Oberlander, Carey, and

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Apollo Group Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Apollo Group Case Study Analysis - Essay Example The University of Phoenix Company has grown over time as a for-profit university. The university has the adult working population being its main target other than the high school leavers who enroll in the traditional classroom educations. In addition, the University seeks to give affordable and quality online education to the adult population who are reachable through intensive marketing strategies of recruiters. However, their marketing strategies are against the federal laws and therefore, the university has to adopt different marketing and education strategies to maintain profitability. The key issues that face the University of Phoenix include technological advancement and traditional college expansion weakness. The University of Phoenix needs to upgrade its technology for quality and effective e-learning among its students. Technology would mean that the company must incur extra costs that are potentially huge, and thus may affect its profitability. The sophisticated virtual college platform has a negative potential on the profitability of the company, since its total cost will increase while revenue remains constant. Moreover, the need for expansion of the traditional classroom education will also imply that the university will have to incur extra classroom setup costs. Online learning faces the challenge of massive student dropouts and lack of quality in the online education sector. The company has therefore undertaken to provide quality instructor contact with a small number of students per instructor. The company also faces the problem of retaining students and changing its marketing strategies to be consistent with the federal law. Primarily, federal law prohibits the marketing strategy of the University of Phoenix, where high pressure recruitment strategies were against the federal regulations.  

Strategic Corporate Finance Mod 5 Case Assignment Essay

Strategic Corporate Finance Mod 5 Case Assignment - Essay Example Net Present Value (NPV) method is one of the most important methods used to make capital budgeting decisions by businesses today. NPV method is important because it helps financial managers maximize shareholders’ wealth by making better capital budgeting decisions. Basically we can determine whether a project is worth investing in or not by comparing the present value of inflows and outflows discounted at the rate of cost of capital. If the PV of net flows is positive (PV of inflows is more than the PV of outflows over the life of the project), we consider it a good investment because it will increase shareholder wealth, and vice versa. In other words, must have a positive net inflow. In the given scenario, T-Mobile Corporation is considering a new project that will cost $3,219,000. This is the initial cash outflow. The company has provided the following cash flow figures: Year Cash Flow 0 -$3,219,000 1 350,000 2 939,000 3 1,122,000 4 500,000 5 400,000 We are told that T-Mobil e’s cost of capital discount rate is 4%, and are required to calculate the project's net present value. PV of Cash Inflows = 350000/(1.04)1 + 939000/(1.04)2 + 1122000/(1.04)3 +500000/(1.04)4 + 400000/(1.04)5 350000/1.04 + 939000/1.0816 + 1122000/1.1248 + 500000/ 1.1698 + 400000/ 1.2166 336538.46 + 868158.28 + 997510.66 + 427423.49 + 328785.13 $2,958,416.02. NPV= PV of Inflows – PV of Outflows NPV =$2,958,416.02 – 3,219,000 NPV= (260,583.98) Since the NPV is negative, or the PV of inflows is less than the PV of outflows for the project, investing in it will decrease shareholder wealth. The investment opportunity should be rejected. Even at the higher discount rate of 6%, the PV of inflows would decrease further, and the decision would be the same i.e. it is better not to invest here. Part II: T-Mobile-Sprint Merger Mergers and acquisitions are usually the two routes chosen by corporate entities to expand their businesses in the marketplace. These are often a hot topic in the business press (McClure, 2011). One rumor being floated around is a potential merger between mobile phone giants T-Mobile and Sprint. Mergers between two large companies are usually complicated, even though there may be possible synergies in 4G technologies that might be possible in such an instance. While mergers can bring about great rewards, at the same time they can also entail great risks and pitfalls. Differences in valuation, differences in accounting procedures and operational and administrative difficulties may emerge (Gaughan, (2001). This part of the assignment asks us to do some research concerning the arguments both for and against such a merger from a financial perspective. We are considering the deal from the point of view of whether or not such a merger would be a profitable undertaking that would add value to the shareholders of both corporations or not. Do you think a merger between Sprint and T-Mobile would add value to the shareholders of both corpor ations? Based on your analysis and findings (Part I and Part II), what would you recommend to the shareholders of both corporations? Should both companies merge? Please explain your reasoning. From the point of view of synergistic benefits, there is certainly a lot of merit in seeking to merge Sprint and T-Mobile. As of the date of the article in July 2010, both Sprint

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Phineas Gage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Phineas Gage - Research Paper Example Human beings can speak and learn every day and learn new daily activities. Human being also solves problems and makes decisions based on their judgment (Fleischman, 2004). There are different types of cognitive functions. Memory and learning are examples of cognitive functions of the brain. Problem solving, perception and movement of various body parts are examples of cognitive functions. Learning of new activities and words, reading and speaking often get coordinated by the brain. These functions differentiate the human beings from other species. Theses cognitive functions originate from the cerebrum part of the brain. The cerebrum comprises of the temporal lobes, frontal lobes, occipital lobes and the parietal lobes. These areas of the cerebrum have different functions (Macmillian, 2002). The Phineas Gage accident clearly explained the functions of the brain in the cognitive functioning. Gage got the brain injuries while he was excavating rocks that he would later use for construct ing railway tracks. The rail roads injured Gage with some of his workmate during construction of the rail roads. Gage got severe brain damage. He got treated, but later became left with a permanent brain damage. The accident affected his brain thus affecting all his daily activities. Doctors that treated Gage noticed that he behaved different after the accident. This led to the doctors examining Gage’s skull to find out what was wrong that Gage was responding differently after treatment following the accident (Linden, 2007). This accident helped to explain the importance of the brain in cognitive functions. After the accident, Gage personality changed. He started acting differently from his earlier actions. Gage lost his personality. The doctors examined the brain and found out that the left frontal lobe of the cerebrum coordinates the personality development. This showed that Gage left frontal part of his cerebrum got damaged. This affected his personality development, hence the reason why there was a loose in his personality. The doctors examined the lesion in the brain and made a conclusion that, the left frontal part of the brain controlled the personality of human beings. So, Gage left frontal part of his cerebrum got damaged explaining why he lost his personality (Linden, 2007). Gage could not make rational decisions and his emotions were unstable. After the accident, doctors treated Gage, but he did not fully recover from the treatment. The doctors discovered how Gage decisions and emotions got affected. This encouraged the doctors to examine the human brain and find out what affected his decision making and his emotions. The doctors found out that the right plus the left prefrontal cortices of the brain remained damaged. This showed that the cortices were responsible for the functioning of human emotions and decision making (Fleischman, 2004). The doctors examined the left and right prefrontal cortices and came up with a conclusion that they wer e responsible for the coordination of emotions and decision making in human beings. The study revealed how the human brain works. Different parts of the brain often get associated with its cognitive functioning. One of the cognitive functions of the brain is to coordinate the emotions and decision making the human being. The study of the brain by the doctors enabled the doctors understand the functioning of the brain. This brain study led to understanding the functioning of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Midterm - Essay Example e denied same job opportunities as the whites; they were made to work for the whites without pay, in the World War they were made to serve in only segregated units. The slaves were used for agricultural purposes as labor especially in cotton and tobacco plantations. They were also used in shipyards, as domestic slaves and as labor on the docks. They were viewed as slaves so much to the point that their owners bought them. A slave could be bargained for, and the highest bidder would take him or her home. The owners were allowed to do anything to the slaves including killing them as the Black Americans were not viewed equals to the rest. They were given the hardest works, worked under the toughest conditions and were treated to gruesome punishments like being left to be mauled by dogs or starved to death. After a while, the art of the slave trade was abolished in America, and was now illegal and punishable by death. This shows the start of a new century which hopefully would bring a change to the African Americans. However, it still did not bring change. They were still treated with contempt and were discriminated especially in the fact that they could not share the same facilities with the whites like the train, the bus, the restaurants and more. They were allowed to vote in the national elections and poll taxes. In response to all this, in 10909, lobbyist groups and protest groups emerged to respond to the de jure racism. One of the groups was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Zastrow, 2010). This period is at times known as the Nadir of American Race Relations. This is so because this was the height of African American segregation. It was so intense that race riots were experienced, black lynching and anti blacks’ violence. It was so in tense that in 1946, Einstein defined African American racism as America’s worst disease. In 1981-1997, the United States Department of Agriculture discriminated against African American

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Nurses' Responsibility in the Prevention of Medication Errors Research Paper

The Nurses' Responsibility in the Prevention of Medication Errors - Research Paper Example Despite the fact that medication error prevention necessitates holistic action of all disciplines within the healthcare domain, nurses have specific roles hey can play in ensuring these errors are abated if not completely prevented. The paper herein discusses some of the responsibilities nurses are charged with to overcome the prime causes and prevent errors in medication. Overcoming inadequate education, training, and orientation Nurses need to be confident about the knowledge they have ass pertains the administration of medication as well as limitations and functions of devices used in administering medication. In the event that they are not comfortable with any aspect regarding administration of medication, they ought to request ancillary training prior to administering drugs. In addition, they need to have knowledge on and make use of time-honored approaches to reduce the occurrence of these errors. One approach of ensuring that the patient is safeguarded against sentinels in med ication is to for nurses to ensure that they have a command of training in the careful verification of every care recipient’s dose of medication against their clinical records (Garber, Gross, & Slonim, 2010). Moreover, they ought to advocate for unit dose systems of administration to facilitate efficiency and limit errors. These systems eliminate multiple doses as well requirements of reconstituting medications. By double-checking the systems, nurses effectively minimize the chance that errors of assumption may occur. Overcoming failures in Communication As valuable and educated members of the healthcare fraternity, nurses ought to be comfortable about questioning pharmacists and physicians about their choice of medications, the doses, the administration routes, reactions, and interactions. Nurses should raise questions to all involved parties to clarify their concerns, before going ahead to administer medication as instructed. They should also clarify orders. More often than not, nurses struggle to make sense out of illegible handwriting and fill out incomplete orders. Prior to administering medication, the nurse needs to ensure that all orders are complete and have been clarified. They have a responsibility to comply with the policies of the organization as afar as safeguarding verbal orders is concerned; for instance spelling or repeating names of drugs and their doses. The clarification of orders is of particular significance within settings in which pharmacists have no opportunity of reviewing he order given by the physician. For instance, nurses in behavioral healthcare, homecare institutions and long-term care regularly communicate orders given by the physician to pharmacists located in a different area via telephone (Prevost 2002). Another responsibility is taking extra caution in light of medications prone to error by increasing communication. Professional literature concerned with health is inundated with reports on medications renowned for ha ving frequent errors in administration. With reference to the institute of Safe Medication Practice (ISMP), the five medications that raise a lot off concern include narcotics and opiates, insulin, injectable potassium concentrate, sodium chloride solutions, and intravenous anticoagulants. As such, nurses need to work

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Essay Example for Free

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Essay Ever since the first printing of the first Harry Potter novel, the book series has been under attack from people arguing that the books are intended to initiate children into witchcraft and demonic practices or that they undermine traditional spiritual values. Yes, indeed, there are ghosts and Halloween, and the practice of magic. However, Harry Potter books are no more a threat to the traditional spiritual values of our children than The Wizard of Oz was before them. Harry Potter has not grown up in a â€Å"normal† family, even outside of the wizarding world. The Dursleys do not care for Harry and treat him poorly. They are clearly nominally Christians; in Chapter Two, Harry’s uncle threatens him with punishment, saying that Harry will â€Å"be in that cupboard from now until Christmas† if he is involved in any â€Å"funny business† (24). There is no evidence, however, that the Dursleys ever practice any particular faith. That lack of spiritual practice carries through the book, even in the wizarding world. .While no one falls to his or her knees in religious fervor, neither does anyone sacrifice a goat to Satan. Rowling has kept her books carefully neutral, but not because she wishes to undermine traditional spiritual values. Rather, it seems that Rowling wishes to appeal to the largest possible audience, without appealing to one spiritual belief over another. Rowling presents Halloween in such a manner that would appeal to the imagination of children, with bats, candles in pumpkins, and a feast; however, it is also merely a backdrop for the action that brings the Three Musketeers of Harry, Ron, and Hermione together (Rowling 172-179). Later in the book, the characters celebrate Christmas. Christmas, however, is no different from Halloween. The Christmas break serves only to give Harry a quiet moment to investigate the library and to investigate the Mirror of Erised (Rowling 204-209). Once again Rowling is carefully neutral, describing Christmas only in terms of what would appeal to children. While Rowling focuses primarily on food, gifts, and games, Ron’s brother George also takes the time to tell another brother that he will not be sitting with his fellow prefects, because â€Å"Christmas is a time for family† (203). Rather than glorifying the wizarding world, Rowling chooses to show that the wizarding world is no more appealing than the Muggle world. There are still bullies there: Draco Malfoy is just like Harry’s cousin, only he is thinner and can ride a broom. Friendship and loyalty and knowledge are all valued there; fellowship and fun are as much a part of the school as magic is. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is simply a fantasy story about a boy and his friends away at boarding school. The only real magic connected to this book is that it rekindled many children’s interest in reading. Who can truly argue with that result?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Poseidon Essay Example for Free

Poseidon Essay God of the sea, protector of all waters. Poseidon is the brother of Zeus. After the overthrow of their Father Cronus he drew lots with Zeus and Hades, another brother, for shares of the world. His prize was to become lord of the sea. He was widely worshiped by seamen. He married Amphitrite, a granddaughter of the Titan Oceanus.At one point he desired Demeter. To put him off Demeter asked him to make the most beautiful animal that the world had ever seen. So to impress her Poseidon created the first horse. In some accounts his first attempts were unsuccessful and created a variety of other animals in his quest. By the time the horse was created his passion for Demeter had cooled. His weapon is a trident, which can shake the earth, and shatter any object. He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods. He has a difficult quarrelsome personality. He was greedy. He had a series of disputes with other gods when he tried to take over their cities. Poseidon was the second son of Cronus and Rhea. In most accounts he is swallowed by Cronus at birth but later saved, with his other brothers and sisters, by Zeus. However in some versions of the story, he, like his brother Zeus, did not share the fate of his other brother and sisters who were eaten by Cronus. He was saved by his mother Rhea, who concealed him among a flock of lambs and pretended to have given birth to a colt, which she gave to Cronus to devour.[3] According to John Tzetzes[23] the kourotrophos, or nurse of Poseidon was Arne, who denied knowing where he was, when Cronus came searching; according to Diodorus Siculus[24] Poseidon was raised by the Telchines on Rhodes, just as Zeus was raised by the Korybantes on Crete. According to a single reference in the Iliad, when the world was divided by lot in three, Zeus received the sky, Hades the underworld and Poseidon the sea. In the Odyssey (v.398), Poseidon has a home in Aegae. The foundation of Athens Athena became the patron goddess of the city of Athens after a competition  with Poseidon. Yet Poseidon remained a numinous presence on the Acropolis in the form of his surrogate, Erechtheus.[2] At the dissolution festival at the end of the year in the Athenian calendar, the Skira, the priests of Athena and the priest of Poseidon would process under canopies to Eleusis.[25] They agreed that each would give the Athenians one gift and the Athenians would choose whichever gift they preferred. Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and a spring sprang up; the water was salty and not very useful,[26] whereas Athena offered them an olive tree. Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, ca 440 BC The Athenians or their king, Cecrops, accepted the olive tree and along with it Athena as their patron, for the olive tree brought wood, oil and food. After the fight, infuriated at his loss, Poseidon sent a monstrous flood to the Attic Plain, to punish the Athenians for not choosing him. The depression made by Poseidons trident and filled with salt water was surrounded by the northern hall of the Erechtheum, remaining open to the air. In cult, Poseidon was identified with Erechtheus, Walter Burkert noted; the myth turns this into a temporal-causal sequence: in his anger at losing, Poseidon led his son Eumolpus against Athens and killed Erectheus.[27] The contest of Athena and Poseidon was the subject of the reliefs on the western pediment of the Parthenon, the first sight that greeted the arriving visitor. This myth is construed by Robert Graves and others as reflecting a clash between the inhabitants during Mycenaean times and newer immigrants. It is interesting to note that Athens at its height was a significant sea power, at one point defeating the Persian fleet at Salamis Island in a sea battle. The walls of Troy Poseidon and Apollo, having offended Zeus by their rebellion in Heras scheme, were temporarily stripped of their divine authority and sent to serve King Laomedon of Troy. He had them build huge walls around the city and promised to reward them well, a promise he then refused to fulfill. In  vengeance, before the Trojan War, Poseidon sent a sea monster to attack Troy. The monster was later killed by Heracles. Consorts and children Poseidon on an Attic kalyx krater (detail), first half of the 5th century BC. Poseidon was said to have had many lovers of both sexes (see expandable list below). His consort was Amphitrite, a nymph and ancient sea-goddess, daughter of Nereus and Doris. Poseidon was the father of many heroes. He is thought to have fathered the famed Theseus. A mortal woman named Tyro was married to Cretheus (with whom she had one son, Aeson) but loved Enipeus, a river god. She pursued Enipeus, who refused her advances. One day, Poseidon, filled with lust for Tyro, disguised himself as Enipeus, and from their union were born the heroes Pelias and Neleus, twin boys. Poseidon also had an affair with Alope, his granddaughter through Cercyon, his son and King of Eleusis, begetting the Attic hero Hippothoon. Cercyon had his daughter buried alive but Poseidon turned her into the spring, Alope, near Eleusis. Poseidon rescued Amymone from a lecherous satyr and then fathered a child, Nauplius, by her. After having raped Caeneus, Poseidon fulfilled her request and changed her into a male warrior. A mortal woman named Cleito once lived on an isolated island; Poseidon fell in love with the human mortal and created a dwelling sanctuary at the top of a hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her. She gave birth to five sets of twin boys(the firstborn who being named Atlas) became the first rulers of Atlantis.[28][5][6][7] Not all of Poseidons children were human. In an archaic myth, Poseidon once pursued Demeter. She spurned his advances, turning herself into a mare so that she could hide in a herd of horses; he saw through the deception and became a stallion and captured her. Their child was a horse, Arion, which was capable of human speech. Poseidon also had sexual intercourse with Medusa on the floor of a temple to Athena.[29] Medusa was then changed into a monster by Athena. When she was later beheaded by the hero Perseus, Chrysaor and Pegasus emerged from her neck. There is also Triton (the merman), Polyphemus (the cyclops) and, finally, Alebion and Bergion and Otos and Ephialtae (the giants).[29]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Purify GFP From Aequorea Victoria

Purify GFP From Aequorea Victoria Methods and Results: GFP was cloned into E. coli strain JM109 and expressed under optimal conditions in Luria broth agar containing ampicillin and IPTG for induction. Protein was extracted by lysis using bead milling technique and fluorescence of protein measured in a fluorimeter, concentration of both pure and crude proteins were obtained with Bradford (1976) method. Purity of GFP was further confirmed by SDS-PAGE stained with coomassie blue. Conclusion: Specific activity(RFUmg-1) of pure protein increased compared to crude representing increase in purity, with a substantial yield of 82%. Significance and Impact of Study: This study proved Ion exchange chromatography as a reliable technique for GFP purification and high percentage recovery for use as a reporter gene in molecular biology studies. Keywords: GFP, purity, Ion exchange chromatography, Specific activity, fluorescence. INTRODUCTION The jelly fish Aequorea victoria, emits a bluish light from the margin of its umbrella (Inuoye, and Tsuji 1994). The light is produced by the bioluminescent jellyfish when calcium binds to the photoprotein aequorin. Although activation of aequorin in vitro or in heterologous cells produces blue light, the jelly fish produces green light. This light is the result of a second protein in A. victoria that derives its excitation energy from aequorin, the green fluorescent protein (Chalfie et al., 1994). Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a protein of 238 amino acid residues. It is a highly stable protein possessing a tightly packed ÃŽ ²ÃƒÅ'†°ÃƒÅ'†°ÃƒÅ'†°ÃƒÅ'†°can tertiary structure that is resistant to many biological denaturants, most proteases, pH (5-12), temperature (Tm=78  °C), and chaotropic salts (McRae et al., 2005; Zhuang, et al., 2008). Purified GFP absorbs blue light (maximally at 395nm with a minor peak at 470nm) and emits green light (peak emission at 509nm with a shoulder of 540nm). This fluorescence is stable and virtually no photobleaching is observed (Chalfie et al., 1994). The stable and intense fluorescence of GFP without any cofactors in many different organisms makes is ideal for molecular biology applications such as markers for gene expression analysis of molecular interactions and also as biological information storage devices and optical biosensors in areas of Nanotechnology (McRae et al., 2005). Current purification procedures, specific for GFP include multiple phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), chromatofocusing on a pH gradient, metal ion precipitation and organic extraction. Most of these methods are either expensive, time consuming or give low yields with

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Short History of Fingerprinting Essay -- Exploratory Essays

A Short History of Fingerprinting The use of fingerprinting as a means of identification was born out of the need of law enforcement officials to have permanent records that could determine if a convict had been previously arrested or imprisoned. Before the advent of fingerprinting, law enforcement used a number of different methods to try to accomplish this. Ancient civilizations would tattoo or physically maim prisoners. In more recent times, daguerreotyping (that is, photographing) was used, but proved to be less than reliable, because people had the ability to dramatically alter their appearance (Skopitz). As a result, this method too, became obsolete with the discovery of fingerprinting, an absolutely infallible method of identification. Variations of fingerprinting have existed since the very beginning of civilization. Originally, it was used primarily as a type of signature. However, in the Fourteenth Century, it was discovered by a Persian official that no two people had identical fingerprints (The History of Fingerprints). Over the next 300 years or so, there was little development in fingerprinting, except for the work of two professors, Marcelo Malpighi and John Evangelist Purkinji. Each had works on types of fingerprint patterns published - Malpighi in 1686 and Purkinji in 1823 (The History of Fingerprints). The middle to late Nineteenth Century was the time when interest in fingerprinting peaked and a number of important discoveries were made. This all started with the English Chief Magistrate in India, Sir William Herschel, who required natives to have their fingerprints impressed on all business contracts, a tradition which dated back thousands of years (The Hi... ...y in recent years was the computerization of the process. Fingerprints are now stored and matched using computers. Fingerprinting is still used in criminal investigations, although DNA testing is becoming increasingly prevalent and will likely, in cases in which such evidence is available, eventually replace fingerprinting (Skopitz). Brief Summary of Sources - This site provides a list of people who made significant advancements in fingerprinting. The list is structured chronologically by the date on which the advancements were made. - This site provides a more detailed history of fingerprinting. It describes methods of identification used prior to the advent of fingerprinting, follows the development of fingerprinting, and speculates on the future of fingerprinting.

Web Advertising :: essays papers

Web Advertising Web advertising, not to mention the Internet itself, finds itself in a stage of relative infancy and therefore provides marketers with novel challenges and situations which need to be dealt with caution . The realm of Web advertising is unchartered terri tory! In terms of South Africa, the country finds itsef somewhat behind technologically. However, this may not prove to be a disadvantage as the uncertain nature of Web advertising may make a policy of 'watching and learning' most viable. What implications will this new technology have for marketing? What is the nature of Web advertising? How can a business use the medium effectively ? Where is all this going ? These questions appear to be most pertinent in the process of understanding interact ive marketing on the Internet. The qualified opinion of John Matthee, a Web site designer employed by Adept Internet (an Internet service provider), was sought in accumulation of a large sum of the following data. This seems appropriate as the novelty of Web advertising at this stage h as led to generral lack of academic data in the practicalities of advertising via this medium. 2) THE INTERNET: AN INTRODUCTION 2.1) Original development of the Internet What was originally created by the US military to provide a secure means of communication in case of nuclear war, which has now become known as the Internet, has metamorphosed into the strategic global communications tool of our era. The end of the cold w ar left this massive installed structure - initially dubbed ARPANET- without much of a purpose. Soon universities, major corporations and governments began to piggyback on to the global framework, extending its reach and commercialising it. Known as the N et to aficionados, the Availability of cheap, accessible and easy-to-use Net access points throughout the world has seen the number of global Internet users increase dramatically each month. While the convenience of electronic mail was initial catalyst for Internet growth world wide, it's the emergence of the World Wide Web (WWW) multimedia interface that has captured the attention of prospective users across the globe. The resources available on the WWW are as varied as they are extensive. There hundreds of thousands of sites which can be broadly categorised under topics such as sport, entertainment, finance and many more (Perlman, 1996). 2.2) Development of Internet in South Africa Perlman (1996, p 29) ventured that 'South Africa is major global Internet player. It currently rates in the top 15 in the world terms of Internet growth rates.' Local user numbers are certainly fueled by universities, companies and schools.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Being A Centrist :: essays research papers fc

Few people know their own political beliefs. Although this sounds strange I truly believe it, considering the varying political opinions that are constantly being thrown at us from the television, the news, the radio, magazines, our families, and even the president. So much influence makes it hard to maintain personal political views; your own opinion can easily be swayed. The media often presents information on current issues that may cause someone to stray from their original, authentic position. In order to reestablish a personal opinion, everything else must be set aside, and all outside influences disregarded. Having done this, and having taken several political quizzes, I was surprised to find myself, according to the political quizzes, considered a centrist- a moderate or middle grounder. Prior to exploring my own political views I considered myself a conservative. Having been influenced by the media and especially by my family I thought of myself as a true conservative in ev ery way. Until recently, I never even bothered to have my own political views; what I heard from family members I accepted as true and learned what I could from the media. Although I still passionately support the Republican Party on many issues, I discovered that with all other influences set aside, I have more moderate, and surprisingly several liberal opinions than I ever would have acknowledged. Republicans and conservatives are nearly one in the same. A Conservative usually â€Å"favor(s) strong military, oppose(s) bureaucracy and high taxes, favor(s) a free-market economy, and endorse(s) strong law enforcement†( Before questioning my political views, I was very conservative because my family was conservative, as I said before, and whenever an issue arose I tended to support the right as opposed to the left. However, having explored political parties a little more in-depth, I’ve found there are several issues, socially and economically, which I disagree on that are supported by the Republican Party, such as the death penalty, restrictions on personal actions that are against traditional values, and drilling in The Arctic National Wildlife refuge. Personally, I’m very opposed to death penalty; under no circumstances should a person be executed for a crime he or she has committed. Although jails have supposedly become more comfortable and beneficial, with access to exercise facilities and libraries, I would much rather see a criminal given a life sentence in jail than the death penalty. Coming from a Catholic family, I think I have developed my stance on this issue due to my faith.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release Essay

No one will ever forget the events that took place on August 5, 2010. Many people from all around the world sat glued to their television sets watching a story that most feared would have a tragic ending. The Minera San Esteban Primera Mining Company had a job ahead of them that no company every wants to face. 33 miners were trapped in a small copper mine that had collapsed in northern Chile and they had to report this news to the families, employees, and eventually the world. The minters were trapped 300 meters below ground with very little food, oxygen or water. The first priority was to begin search and rescue efforts to locate these men trapped in the mine and remove them as quickly as possible before there oxygen supplies were depleted. The next daunting task would be to inform the families of these men that an awful accident had taken place and the worst thing that could happen to a miner did. Rescuing these men was the very first priority of the company but keeping everyone else informed on their safety and progress was equally as important since the company had already come under fire for a collapsed mine just a year ago. Since there were so many different groups of people involved in this accident: Family members of the trapped miners, employees of the company, media, investors and spectators across the globe; understanding of the diverse audience would be crucial in conveying the various details that would follow in the hours and days ahead. The message of the trapped miners had to be delivered appropriately to each group of people without any confusion or misunderstanding. What would you say to the wife whose husband was trapped? How could you reassure your employees that were not trapped that they will not fall in the same fate? How could you reassure the investors that this will not happen again? With all those questions unanswered, the company brought in their spokesperson to represent them during the search and rescue of their miners. Bringing someone in to be a familiar face during this accident would bring reassurance to all parties that everything that could be done was being done. A spokesperson was also important because they would be able to convey important information and deliver messages that kept everyone informed. Since the Minera San Esteban Primera Company had an iffy safety record over the years, which actually included some fatalities; maintaining the image of the mining company that their first priority was the trapped miners also became increasingly important. The families of the miners had to be informed first and foremost. The company had to assure the families that they would be the very first ones to be notified of any news concerning the trapped miners. They had to know that everything was being done to protect their loved one’s safety and that a plan for their rescue was in place. As the rescue efforts continued, the families were to be kept informed. In order to ease their stress and worry, face-to-face communication was determined as the best way to bring up-to-date information. This would alleviate any anxiety felt waiting and would help to assure them that their loved ones were the first priority. A place at the scene of the accident, known as â€Å"camp hope† was set up for the families so they could wait for news from below. Each family was given a chance to see and speak to trapped loved ones, via a new fiber optic video line that snaked down to where the men were trapped. Once the families of the miners were updated, the communication could then be shifted to the employees, who needed reassurances of their own. Mining is a very dangerous trade and they needed to know that their futures were not in danger, like their co-workers who were trapped beneath them and that they had a job to return to once this terrible ordeal was behind them. From there the community, investors and media would need to be informed on rescue efforts. Delivering this type of message could be quite difficult given the company’s past track record with regards to safety. The media would want to get their hands on this story and pick it apart to spin a very negative picture. The company would have to realize that announcing to the world that their copper mine had collapsed would have negative consequences. Ensuring that factual information was being delivered in a timely fashion would be critical to the company’s image. To combat all the negative press, the company chose to utilize press-releases along with phone and television interviews to get news out to everyone. The tone with which they delivered this information would also play a huge role in assuring families and spectators that everything was being handled with care and speed. At the end of this two-month rescue mission, all 33 miners had been pulled from the scene and had all survived. Chilean President, Sebastian Pinera, stated he would launch an extensive investigation into the accident (Weik, 2010). The families, workers and community of this small copper mine would be changed forever by the events that took place on August 5, 2010. This long rescue process took careful planning and through the information provided by the company’s spokesperson to all parties involved; everyone felt as if they played a part in the rescue of these brave men. Communication One: Face-to-Face Communication with Family Members Today, August 5, 2010, we received devastating news of a collapsed mine at the San Jose Cave. 33 of our men are now trapped. A crew of men have been sent down to survey the damage and after descending over 400 meters, it was discovered that the ramps had collapsed. We are in full cooperation with investigators to find out exactly what happened. At this time, we do not know anything about the condition of these men. Words will never be able to express how deeply saddened we are by this tragic accident. Our thoughts and prayers are with these brave men and with each one of you as well. Please be patient with us as we begin rescue efforts. We are determined to rescue all 33 men and have already contacted the Chilean government to assist with the rescue efforts. As we get information, we will personally relay that to you. In an effort to provide you with the most up-to-date information, we have established a camp where you may stay while rescue efforts continue at the mine. I wish we had more information at this time but this is all we know. Our only priority is ensuring the safety and well-being of these men. Communication Two: Press Release As of August 5, 2011 a tragic accident occurred in one of our copper mines in San Jose, Chile. A cave-in has left 33 of our miners trapped 700 meters underground. It appears that the roof of the mine collapsed. Rescue workers and government officials have been contacted and are working diligently to locate and rescue our men. We do not know the safety of these men at this time and will work around the clock to determine this. The rescue workers are planning to begin drilling soon to attempt to locate the 33 workers. We are cooperating fully with the Chilean government as well as the Federation of Chilean Mining Workers and the Confederation of Copper Workers. We will continue to operate the mines at this time according to the policies and procedures of these organizations (Parry & Rettner, 2010). Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the miners, families, employees and rescue workers. We will keep you all updated as we receive information.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Peculiar Institution

lervns CH APT ER 8 The † Peculiar Institution', : Slaves Tell Their Own Story ii THE PROBLEM With the establishment of its nelw government in 1789, ihe United States became a r. irtual rnagaet for foieign traveiers, perhaps never more so than during the three Cecades immediately preceding our Civil lVar. N{iddle to up_ per class, interesied in everything from politics to prison reform to botanical specimens to the position of women in American society, these cu_ rious travelers fanrred out across the United States, and almost all wrote about their observ-ations in ieLters, pamphlets, anci books widej-v read orr both sides of rhe ocean.Regardlcss of their special interests, ho*. ever, ferv travelers f. itled to notice-an. d comment on-the â€Å"peciiliar instrtution', of' -frican Anre, rican slal,e,-v. As rl'ere narl-v nineteenth-cenlurr. 'onterr writers, English author Har_ i*t inter_ riet Martineau was especiaily tc exploit female siaves sexually, a practice that often produc ed mulatto children born into slavery. The young Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville came to study the Ameri_ can penitentiary system and stayed to investigate politics and society.In his book Democracy in America (1g42), Tocqueville expressed his belief that American slaves had completelr. lost their . drican cuiture-their custorns. lariguages, religions, ancl even ihe memories of their countries. An Eng_ ]ish novelist rvho 4/as enor. moLr_. lv poprrlar in the ! p;1†³6 Srrtr. -.. : t-,. ested in those aspects of American so_ ciety that affected women and chil_ dren. She was appalled by the slave system, believing ii deg::adcd mar_ riage by aliowing southern white rnen [1791 – ,ll {. (:ul,lAIt 3ftr1'loN†: .rrls 1'lll,l, ,tElR O'N .+,r()ltY rusty Charles Dickens, also visited in 1842. He spent very little time in the South but collected (and published) advertisemenis lor runaway slaves that contained gruesome descriptions of their burns, brandings, scars, and iron culfs and collars. As Dickens departed for a steamboat trip to bhe West. he wrote that he left â€Å"with a glateful heart that I was not doomed to live where slavery was, and had never had my s ‘nses blunted to its wrongs and horrors in a slave-rocked cradle. † I mer wrote to her sister that â€Å"they are ugly, but appear for the most part cheerful and well-fed. 2 Her subsequent trips to the plar. lations of the th' gir m( stz backcountry, however, increased her sympalhy for slaves and her distrust of white southerners' assertions that â€Å"slaves are the happiest people in the world. â€Å"l In fact, by the end o. her stay, Bremer was praising ihe slaves' morality, patience, la,cnts, and religior,s practices. to tht m( sla alc ev( gio m3 1850s, Fredrika Bremer, a Swedish novelist, traveled throughoul the United States for two vears and spent considerable time in Soulh Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana.After her first encounters with African Americans in Charieston, Bre - In the turbulent These traveiers-and many moreadded their opinions to the growing litei†ature about the nature of American slavery and its effects. But the over- sla dot pr( whelming majority of this literature was written by white people. What did the slaves themselves think? How did they express their feelings about the peculiar institulion of slavery? mi iio; sla (aI' SIn sla inc I it BACKGROUND JI ‘F the wh 3i cilLBy the time of the American Revolution, rvhat haci begrrn in 1619 as a trick-le of Africans intended to supplement the farm labor of inderrtured servants from Engiano had sweiled to a slave population of approrimateiy 500,000 people, the majority concentrated on tobacco, rice. and cotton piantations in the South. Moreover, as the African American population greu', rvhat apparen'uly had been a fairly- ioose and unregimented labor s-r. stem gradually evoived into an increasingly' harsh, rigrd. and complete Charies Dickens. Anteri-can Notes arid Picrr;res ir cn 1lol-y rLcnCon: Oxlold Unrversit. v Press. 1957), p. 3?. system of chattel slavery that tried to control neariy every aspect of the slaves' iives. By 1775, African Ameiican slavery had become a significant (some wouki have said indispensable) part of southern iife. The American Revoiution did nct reverse those trends. Although northern states in which African American slavery was nol so deeply rocted began instituting graduai emancipation, after the Revolution, the slave systemas well as its harshness-increased in the pio the Vir wh wh sec sor_ tha mo his no1 ag( 2. Fredrika Brenrer, ,|'nttri,ctt ol' the Fi. fties: i. Letters of Fredriha Brenier. cd. Adolph B.Benson (Nerv York: â€Å"{melic:rrr ,Scandinavian Foundation, I92-1r. p. 96. : I e 3 ibid , p. 1r. t0 f1801 ITAOKGROUND the South. The invention ofthe cotton gin, which enabled seeds to be removed from the easily grown short stapie cotton, permitted southerners to cultivat,e collon on the uplands, scale, and sell-preservati on other. . . . in the t the Lay, moOUS iftcan ,'er- tire did drd t,he thereby spurring the westward movement of the piantation system anci slavery. As-a result, slaverv expanded along , with settlement into nearly bverv area of the South: the . Gulf region, Tennessee, Kentucky, and uitimately Texas.Simulianeously, the slave population burgeoned, roughly doubling every thirty years (from approximately 700,000 in 1790 to 1. 5 million in 1820 to more'than 3. 2 mitiion in 1850). Because importation of slaves from Africa was banned in 1808 (although there was some iilegal slave smuggiing), most further gains in the By this time, ho*'ever, Jelferson was nearly alone among rvhite southerners. Most did not question the assertion that siaver-i 'as a necessity, that it was gooti for both the slave and the owrlrr, and that it nrusr be preserved at nny cost. Ir of[en has been pointed oul that lhe majority of rvhite southerners did not own slaves.In fact, the proportion of white southern famili es who did own slaves was actualiy declining in the nineteenth century, from one- lnt 1e) rot :han an ef- southern pcpulation, and ihose siaveholders with iarge plantations and But as the sla. re popuiation grew, the fears and anxieties of southern hundreds of slaves were an exceedingiy small group. whites grew correspondingly. Il 1793, How, then, did the pecuiiar institua slave rebellion in the Caribbean tion oi slavery, as one southerner caused tremendous consternation in the white South. Rurrrors of uprisings called it. become so embeddeci in the piotted by slaves were numerous. _nd Old South? Firsr. even though only a the actual rebeilion of Nat Turner in minority of southern whir†es owned Virginia in 1831 (in which fifty-five slaves, nearly all southern whites whites ‘were killed, many of them were somehorv touched by the instit'. rtion of slavery. Fear of black r_iprisings r,r'hile asieep) only increased white inpiorrrp'r†ed many nonsiaveholders to securities and dread. In response, support an increasingly rigrd slave southern states passed a series oflaws that made the system of siavery even system that included night patrols, more restrictive.Toward the end of rvritten passes for slaves arvay fi-om his life, Thomas Jefferson (r. i'ho did plantations. supen'ised religious servnot live to see Nat Turner's uprising) ices for slales, larr,s prohibiting teaching slaves to read or rvrite. and other agonized: measLlres to keep slar'es ignorant, cieP†itdeltt. ttrd a]r',ar': undt' thr ,,J. pi 1,1†³ But as it rs. r, e lrrve :hc rvolf bv rho rr lrit,'s. 1lrny non:lavehuicl,. r. – ;t. 😠® ears, and we can neither hold him, nor rt'ere ah'5id ttat emancipation rvoulci safel-v let hirr go. iustice is in one hling rherrr :nto dilect nc,,n,,n. ,. (. (,nrincrease. slave population were frorn natural â€Å"^rird in 1830 to roughly one-fourth b-v 1860. Moreover, nearly three-fourths of these slaveholders owned fewer than ten slave s. Slaveholders, then, lvere a distinct minorrty of the white f1811 t ,EuLlAll ;fTloN†: TEI,I, ‘S ,IR OWN fr)til' can Americans partly rested on the limitation of rights and freedoms for nally, although large planters repre- southern whites as well. l sented oniy a lraction of the white But how did the sla{‘es reacL to population, they virtuaily controlled irn economic and social system that the econopnic. ocial, and political in- meanL that neither they nor their chilstilutionsftnd were not about to injure dren would ever experience freedom? either thcmselves or their status bv Most while southerners assumed that eliminating. the slave. syslem that es- slaves were happy and content. Northsentiallv supporred thern. , ern abolitionists (a minority of the po defend their peculiar institurion, ivhite population) believed that slaves rvhite southerners constructed a re- continually yearned for I :edom. Both markabiy compleie and ciiverse sel of groups used oceans of in k to justify arguments.Siavery, they maintained, and support their claims. But evidence was actuaily a far more humane svs- of hor+' the slaves felt and thc'ught is tem than northern capitaiism. After woefuliy sparse. Given the restrictiie ail, slaves s/ere fed, clothed, shelrered, nature of the slave syltem (which incared for *'hen they rvere ill, and sup- cluded enforced illiteracy among ported in their old age, rvhereas north- slaves), this pitiful lack of evidence is ern factory workers were paid pitifully hardiy surprising. lorv rvages, used, dnd then discarded IIow, then, cail we learn horv slaves when no longer usefui. I'ur'+. ernrore, feit, and ihought about the pecuiiar inmany . ,r'hite southei'ners maintained stitution? Slave uprisings were few, that slavery was a positive good be- but does that mean most slaves were cause ir had introduced the â€Å"barba- happy with their lot? Runaways were rous† Africans to civilized Americah. common, and some, such as Frederick ways and, rnore importantiy, to Chris- Douglass and Harriet Jacobs, actuaily tianitl'. Other southern rvhites reached the North and wrote about stressei rvhat they believed lvas the their experiences as slaves. Yet how childirke. ciependent nature of African typical were their experiences?Most Americans, insisting that they could slaves were born, lived, and died in neyer cope with iife outside the pater- servitude. did not participate in organnaiistic and â€Å"benevolent† institution ized revoits, and did not run awaS'. oi iiavri-‘. in si_ich zin atmorphere, in Fiow ciid they feel about the system of rvhich many of the white southern in- slavery? tellectr,ral efforts rvent into the defense Aithough most slaves did not read or of slaven. , ciissent anci freedom of wrile, did not participate in organized thought rvere not welcome. Hence revolts, and did not attempt to run those rr'hite southerners rvho dis- away. hey did leave a remarkable agreed anci might have challen ged the amount of evidence thal can help us unScuth's ciependence on siarery re- derstand their thoughts and leeiings. mained siient. *ere hushed up, or de- Yet we must be imagrnative in horl. rve cided rcr lear. e rhe region. In man,r, approach and use that evidence. wa,vs. ihen, the enslavement of Afri- peiition with blacks; who, it was assumed, would drive down wages. Fi- In that birti size, fortf ordir bn t, tion. help who eCOnl the p of th will I and evide sout,l ing r trave often ore Nort the them gand ecdot rich tives r iave Ligat, pecur Histr awar denc, most eight older' thev [182] THFI ilE]'ilol) rl- JM? /†Ii' !i. re tves iolh +iA, ,! r rJi ,ltcc iis iive inong eis ves inere ere ick illv rut nii in a-v. In an earlier chapter, you discovered (about births, deaths, age at marriage, farm size, inheritance, tax . rolls, and so forth) can reveal a great deal about ordinary people, such. as the colonists on the eve of the American Revolution. Such demographic evidence can h elp the. historian form a picture of who these people were and the socioeconomic trends of the time, even if the people themselves . ere not aware of those trends. In this exercise, you will tre using another kind of evidence and asking different questions. Your eviCence will not . come f†om white southerners (rvhose stake in maintaining slavery was enormous), foreiga travelers (wh-ose own cultural biases often influenced ‘,vhai they reported), or even white abolitionists in the North (whcse urgent need to eradicate the â€Å"sin† of slavery sometimes led them to gross exaggerations for propaganda purposes). You will be using anecdotes, stories, and songs froia the rich orai tradition of African American slaves, supplemente

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Halloween vs Christmas

Halloween vs. Christmas the best holidays These are both one of the most important holidays to the United States maybe even to the world. They bring people joy, happiness, and it mostly brings people together to celebrate. These two holidays are very important in different ways. They both bring a different concept. But what are the differences and similarities of this holiday, keep reading this and maybe I’ll help you find out a little about these two wonderful holidays. For Halloween Halloween is full of frights, terror, fun, and is the only day out of the year a person can be whoever they want to be.On Halloween, fantasies come alive for people of all ages. For children, it means dressing up as whatever fictional character they want to, and getting the most candy. All of the costumed children are able to walk around at night going from door to door, getting a much candy as they can fit into a pillowcase. Halloween is the only holiday kids receive so much candy; it can last t he entire year. Children, can also, participate in parades, enter, or pick a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. For adults, it can hold several different meanings, as well.As a parent, you can help dress up your child, paint their face, and put in your own creativity to the costume. Parents, can also, walk around with their child on Halloween, and smile as their child runs from house to house as happy as can be. Halloween is one of the biggest celebration days of the United States, it is a yearly holiday observed around the world on October 31. Halloween's roots can be traced back to Celtic culture in Ireland. According to their â€Å"Druid† religion, November 1st was New Years' on their calendar. The celebration would begin on October 31st, and last into the following day.The spirits of all who died in the prior year would rise up and roam the earth on this night. This is an evil night when spirits roamed the streets and villages. Lord Samhain, the lord of Darkness, would arriv e in search of the spirits to take them to the underworld. Halloween as it is currently celebrated with costumes, trick or treat, and superstitions, takes from this Druid Holiday. Halloween is second only to Christmas in spending. Consumers spend over $2. 5 Billion during Halloween. That's a whole lot of candy, costumes, decorations, and party goods. Like Christmas, Halloween is steeped in traditions.While Christmas can be a stressful period, Halloween is all about fun. People really get into the Halloween tradition and â€Å"spirit†. Some religions are against celebrating Halloween, citing it's roots in ancient Druid religion. While this is true, Today's Halloween celebrations are all about fun, with a generous amount of imagination Halloween was commonly referred to as â€Å"All Hollows† Eve. It originated from the pagan holiday honoring the dead. The Roman Catholic Church created All Saints Day (also called Hallowmas) on November 1st to honor Saints and All Souls Da y on November 2and to honor and pray for the souls of the dead.These holidays were created by the church, in part to downplay the pagan holidays. Needless to say, it did not succeed. Halloween as we know it today has grown from the ancient Druid Holiday. Along the way both fun, frights, and satanic twists have been added to the mix. In English, this holiday translates to â€Å"The Day of the Dead†. It is an important Mexican holiday. Where Americans shy away from the topic of death, Mexicans embrace it. On this day, they celebrate it in a big way. Asian cultures are also known to honor the dead in October.Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in nature. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basi s of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive.December 25 Christmas day has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870. Decorating the tree is the most important part for the kids because it gets them exciting and they know that it means the presents are coming soon. Christmas is one of the most important holiday there is of the year it brings people together mostly family. It’s the time of the year that family visits each other and mostly because Christmas is so close to New Year it’s even more exciting. Most people go to church this day because it is consider the day when Jesus was born to Christians.I think there are a lot of similarities in both of these holidays. Both of the holidays are a symbol of something that has happen in the past. They both honor something. In both of the holidays people decorate their homes with the theme of the holiday. In Christmas people give away presents and in Halloween people give away candy. People most likely get together to celebrate this and most people don’t work on these times. Either to spend time with their family or to go out and do something. Somewhat they are both a religious celebration even though I don’t see it that way.In my church they teach me not to celebrate any of these holidays. So I don’t even celebrate them I just hear about them from people. In Christmas you get dressed up in your best clothes and in Halloween you get dressed up wit6h costumes. Well this is all I can tell you about these two holidays since this is all I got from the research and all the people I asked about it. When I am older I might celebrate Christmas and Halloween with my family they seem like very fun and happy things to do that makes people come together.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Personal Values in the Work Place

The ten values (both work and personal) that I have chosen are adventure, affection (love and caring), creativity, excitement, friendships, having a family, quality relationships, religion, status, and wealth. Adventure is a component of a valued way of life for me because I feel most alive when I’m taking risks. Bold and risky undertakings are fun. Taking chances and daring yourself to push your limits are good for the soul. Creativity is the ability to transcend traditional ideas to create meaningful new ideas! It’s important to me to feel inspired. In the work place, if you use your imagination, you could solve problems that were impossible to solve before. Having a family is a personal value that most people strive for. Families are supportive and will help me in my career. My elder relatives are wise and would advise me in any career move and my younger siblings could cheer for me on the sidelines. Religion does not belong in the work place. However when I spend time in prayer I feel inner peace, which in turn effects my work overall. Religion is a form of mediation for me. Spiritual-mindedness in my personal lives helps me in the work place. Wealth is something from the workplace that will greatly effect my personal life. With a plentiful amount of wealth, my family can feel secure and will be able to focus on other things in life. I don’t want lack of money to prohibit anything in my life.

Non Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Non - Case Study Example Considering the geographical maps as shown in the diagram below of the position of the SAP and FRY, we have privileged information that the naval military of the SAP are majorly docked at the port of Banes and Haba (Heuer, & Pherson, 2011). These ports are directly opposite to two of our ports, that is the Mia and Eyer. Given that there are conflicting reports on the kind of impending attack the SAP are planning, reports of diversionary attack has also reached us. The report indicates that they are planning to attack the port of Eyer and Mia simultaneously. We are therefore expected to consider undertaking a naval reconnaissance in our territorial areas in a bid to understand how and when to place military control for any attack. Following the information on the attacks at the ports, we have to consider monitoring the ports so that any mishap from our adversaries does not materialize. The need to tighten security around the hot spots indicated by the reports should be swiftly put into place to curtail any advancement from the SAP. Following the analysis of the situation of the SAP, we are confident that the situation can be put under control given that we have all the necessary information to do so. The intention to attack us through their ports of Haba and Banes shows all indications to be true given that through our survey, we have noticed increased activities in the ports a clear show that they are preparing for attacks (IBM, 2013). Concerning the intelligence reports that have reached us, we should thus spare no effort to ensure that we cushion ourselves from the impending attacks from our opponents. Despite general sage who is the supreme commander in the SAP military calling for peace from the neighboring nations, it can only be interpreted as a public relation exercise aimed at programming people’s mind that they are for peace while the intention is to

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Swear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Swear - Essay Example I did notice though that so many people employ profane words as part of their basic English. I find the practice in general to be offensive and also to be a sure sign of ignorance. One can walk a city street anywhere and hear phrases peppered with the "F-bomb" and what not. For example "I need cash but I can't find a F------ ATM machine". I go about my daily business without having to caution myself in cursing thus this assignment was not one that I found to be challenging. I did note however, that I was intensely alert to those cursing around me. I wonder what would happen if people actually listened to themselves speak. We have a moment, and only a fleeting one after that first impression, to alter it. After one looks at us, they hear us speak. We usually use our voices to deliver a message to others. That message can be taken as true or false. That message can be delivered by one who is deemed intelligent or intellectually challenged. Cursing by no means conveys an intelligent thought. Some think that by adding a curse word they are delivering the word to follow it with an emphasized delivery, but it is not so. People like myself do not find ourselves amused or threatened by one who curses. Curse words are nothing more than wasted air and their effect can only be described as revolting. I don't have to refrain from cursing because I find the practice to be disgusting and a sign of stupidity.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) - Essay Example Prior to the 1970s, such risks were left to the companies to handle and there was minimal intervention from the federal government by way of work safety-related policies and regulatory standards. By the late 1960s, workplace accidents resulted to the death of an average 14,000 workers per year while an estimated two million more were harmed or disabled. Furthermore, there was too little known about the health effects of the variety of chemicals that were being churned out of factories even as environmental advocates have been raising the alarm on the possible dangers of exposure. This disturbing rates and figures prompted President Nixon to sign the Occupational Safety and Health Act in Dec. 17, 19701. The enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) marked the first time that a federal program was established to protect and ensure the health and safety of the entire country’s work force by reducing job-related illness, injury, disability, accidents, and death. Then-Secretary of Labor James Hodgson’s first step was to establish the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a special agency within the United States Department of Labor tasked to implement and enforce the said Act; OSHA was established effective April 28, 19712. In order to carry out the mission which it was set out for, OSHA had to start from scratch, using the Bureau of Labor Standards as the nucleus from which to build up the program3. The OSH Act also established the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as the agency to conduct researches on known and possible work-related safety and health problems and to recommend regulatory standards which OSHA should consider based on their findings; as well as that, NIOSH was also to provide technical assistance to OSHA4. OSHA’s principal client groups are mainly organized labor and the business community; as such, they have played active roles

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Space Research Paper

Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Space - Research Paper Example r, is not always the case in the country because many parks continue to suffer from lack of essential recreational facilities or over-emphasis on the natural environment at the expense of modern park facilities for sports and other modern forms of recreation (Godbey et al., 2008). The major problem is that irrespective of the relative development of many other public facilities in urban areas in the country, recreational parks still remain largely underdeveloped and traditional. The lack of modern facilities and other incentives in parks is keeping many people especially of the young generation from sufficiently utilizing these essential public spaces. 1.2 Research Questions This study was aimed at answering the following questions; 1) What is the role of recreational parks in urban neighborhoods in the area of study? 2) Is there optimum utilization of recreational parks in the area? 3) What are the challenges facing recreational parks in the study area? 4) What steps can be taken to modernize recreational parks for optimum value to the communities they serve? 1.3 Purpose of Study The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social and physical benefits of parks and urban green recreation spaces in the United States. The study involves comparative investigation of a number of public parks in residential neighborhoods of Los Angeles whereby various essential parameters of the parks are studied. This includes space allocated for the parks, facilities within the parks and the space allocated to each of the facilities, the number of people utilizing the parks and their mix in terms of age and race. The study also includes other characteristics related to the parks including issues such as crime and health. 2.0 Literature Review In view of the importance of parks as... The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social and physical benefits of parks and urban green recreation spaces in the United States. The study involves comparative investigation of a number of public parks in residential neighborhoods of Los Angeles whereby various essential parameters of the parks are studied. This includes space allocated for the parks, facilities within the parks and the space allocated to each of the facilities, the number of people utilizing the parks and their mix in terms of age and race. The study also includes other characteristics related to the parks including issues such as crime and health.In view of the importance of parks as areas for recreation and environmental conservation, many studies are increasingly being carried out to highlight their physical and social benefits to the society as well as improve their management.Urban nature in the form of parks, forests, and green belts, and its components such as trees and water, positively impacts the environment and ecology of a region. It accomplishes â€Å"important environmental services such as air and water purification, the wind and noise filtering, and microclimate stabilization†. Thus, parks promote physical health by providing green spaces and fresh air for exercising and walking and increase social well-being through opportunities for interacting with neighbors and peers at a shared, common location. The social and psychological services of parks and recreation are vital for the livability of modern cities.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Do violent video games lead to violent behaviour among young people Essay - 1

Do violent video games lead to violent behaviour among young people - Essay Example Such games have a very negative impact on the mind-set of the young children who play such games. The fictitious events are often considered reality by innocent children who lack a proper sense of direction. The events portrayed in the game change the mind-set of young children. Children very often try stunts on their friends which are shown in violent video games. Playing violent video games increases aggression among people who play it and there are no two ways about it. â€Å"One study reveals that young men who are habitually aggressive may be especially vulnerable to the aggression-enhancing effects of repeated exposure to violent games," said psychologists Craig A. Anderson, Ph.D., and Karen E. Dill, Ph.D. "The other study reveals that even a brief exposure to violent video games can temporarily increase aggressive behavior in all types of participants† (Violent Video Games Can Increase Aggression). â€Å"On average, there is a significant tendency for the studies to yield an increase in aggression by those who have played the violent games," said Craig Anderson, an Iowa State University professor and leading researcher on the effects of media violence.† (Violent Video games under Attack). There are enough evidences which prove that playing violent video games give rise to violence in the society. This is extremely bad for the society, it is high time that this is realized and something should be done about it sooner rather than later. Every coin is two sided, playing games also has benefits. It relaxes a person and it is very entertaining to play games. The relaxation derived from playing games is immense and cannot be out into words. Research also proves that playing games makes the mind sharper and the response rate of the mind goes up by a significant level. â€Å"Nottingham Trent University professor Mark Griffiths said they can be a

Friday, August 9, 2019

Construction procurement and legal framework for construction Essay

Construction procurement and legal framework for construction operations - Essay Example It may be either small scale or large scale. For successful completion of the construction project, effective planning is crucial. There are various types of construction: 1. Residential building construction 2. Commercial building construction 3. Industrial building construction 4. Heavy civil construction. The type of construction is the chief determinant of the variety of approach to the procurement of construction services. Construction procurement is absolutely crucial to the delivery of a project on time, budget and high quality. Good procurement is synonymous with the success of the project (Fewings 2013). Suicide bidding relating to a very low bid at a tender age, spending, over budgeting and ex ended time frames may all lead to poor standardization. The loss of knowledge about procurement may cause clients to incur unnecessary additional costs that could be avoided by choosing the right method of procuring. Construction is also prone to other conditions such as weather, labo r availability, finance, topography, ground conditions, and logistics. Selecting the absolute optimal and most effective method is difficult as reliance is more based on past statistical evidence. The clients order the construction that may be for sale or for any other usage. The construction procurement basis include determining the criteria for the project, setting contractual framework, setting tender and selection process, inviting the tenders and awarding a contract. There are key priorities that are maintained, that is, standardization, sustainability, reduced cost of procurement and public accountability (Fewings 2013). Standardization There is a legal framework provided for since the conception of contract formation to its execution. The comparison of the standard of building is outlined in the construction contract law. There are qualities checks of the building process that have to be maintained. This includes efficient completion of the project within an agreed time frame . Execution of a construction project is a team work between the clients. The contractor and the consultant therefore advocate for the three or more parties involved to have mutual agreement on the responsibility and roles of each other for successful completion of the project. Sustainability It applies for both physical positioning of structural connections, structural beams, walls, roofs and foundation. The bilateral symmetry and articulation of the design is greatly considered during construction. Sustainability may also be mental, the willingness of the contractor to complete the project in good timing. Reduced cost of procurement All factors of production are taken into consideration during the procurement process. The main aim is to maximize efficiency and consequently, minimize delay. Public accountability The public does a follow up on the ongoing project. This is essential as the critic is deemed necessary for maximum productivity in a unique and efficient way. Importance o f construction procurement (i) Greater skill of worker The regular repetition of an undertaking by an individual firm makes its performance routine.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Blended Learning Implementation in Universities Essay

Blended Learning Implementation in Universities - Essay Example Unfortunately, not all universities have a clear view on how blended learning can be implemented. The goal of this paper is to highlight the most important points and offer a strategic framework for the development and implementation of blended learning strategies in higher education. The paper includes the definition and discussion of blended learning, the main criteria of effectiveness in blended learning environments, possible ways to implement blended learning in the classroom, and a common framework for higher education institutions seeking to implement the blended learning approach. Blended learning: models and implementation Regardless of the goals and objectives of blended learning in universities, the process of implementing blended learning models in higher education mandates the development of strong and complex program implementation frameworks. The overall process of developing and implementing blended learning programs includes the following elements: institutional, ped agogical, technological, design, evaluation and management, support and ethics (Singh 2003). This is actually a unique and extremely useful implementation framework that was proposed by Singh (2003). ... ecide whether it possesses technical and personnel capabilities required, to guarantee that all learners have equal access to blended learning instruments. At this stage of implementation, universities need to perform a detailed needs analysis, to understand what learners need and how blended learning can satisfy their needs. This is the planning stage of the implementation process in blended learning, which must include both strategic and operational aspects (Garrison & Kanuka 2004). In strategic terms, universities must necessarily evaluate the needs, objectives and goals of blended learning, its potential benefits, costs and the availability of resources (Garrison & Kanuka 2004). Operational planning has to be considered, in order to operationalize the goals and objective of blended learning and turn them into an action plan (Garrison & Kanuka 2004). For example, universities may develop advertising strategies to engage learners in blended contexts or attend to the needs of managi ng technologies effectively. Then follow the pedagogical and technological considerations. Universities that seek to implement blended learning approaches must decide upon the content to be included in the blend, the learning objectives to be met, and the learner needs (Singh 2003). In other words, here education professionals link the needs of learners to the learning objectives and the instruments to be used, to help learners meet these learning objectives. For example, if learners are expected to develop a new product or marketing model, then product simulation can become an essential component of the blend (Singh 2003). Once these delivery methods are identified, universities can proceed to decide upon the types of technologies to be used in blended learning. Here, technical

Response #1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response #1 - Essay Example the lives of the manual labourers, he himself spent time as a manual worker at a blast furnace in Hungary, at an engineering factory in Chicago, at a furniture factory in Russia and at an office in Zambia. He undertook each of these experiences with a scientific and unbiased spirit so as to yield authentic material for his research on socialism. Burawoy’s theory of the extended case method necessitates sensitive and reflexive interaction between the researcher and his subjects. He believed that the research scholars must try to extend their own experiences into the lives of their subjects. They should refrain from thrusting their own principles on them as it makes their analyses shallow and biased. To yield successful in-depth analysis, researchers must volunteer to spend prolonged durations at mines, factories, offices and other study sites. They must adopt a bottom-to-top approach in order to gain and convey a more genuine and reliable analysis of the processes of globalization. This extended case method of research and theorising has gained huge popularity worldwide in the sphere of social sciences. The extended case method, in its search for the unforeseen aspects of social truth, attempts to use social occurrences as a tool to refute traditional theories. It clearly lists out the elements that one can usually anticipate at a study site. It aims to extend the same law as an explanation to as many phenomena as possible, while admitting the impact of external forces in the creation of social situations. It seeks to reveal the effects of the macro environment on the micro environment. The social situations are not used to explain or elaborate the already existing theories, but are preconceived as anomalies to the accepted truth. The existing social theories are then looked up to for seeking an explanation of the anomalous situation. The areas where the existing theories are rendered inadequate are used as a scope for revision, rectification and innovation.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Public School Essay Example for Free

Public School Essay The Perfect Public School will be established with the vision to provide the quality education to the students of the Fateh Muhammad Jatoi and to enable them to compete at the national and international level. To achieve this vision the school will have the very well experienced and well groomed faculty that will provide the education on modern lines that will inculcate the students as well as their parents for the betterment of their children career development. The quality education that provide in our school is at low price as compared to our major competitors Beacon house, Frobels, roots and City school etc. The Perfect school is developed in order to facilitate the Pakistanis to get education as good and excellent as the students in Perfect school Pakistan. The Perfect school is located in Pakistan and is well renowned in all over the world for its Excellency in education field. Students from far flung countries go there with the aim to study and to get benefit from their quality education system. The Perfect school of Pakistan is also ranked among the top ten schools of the world. Moreover the Sindhi students also go abroad to study in this school and they score quite well as compared to other fellow students. The only difficulty that the Pakistani students face while going abroad is that they have to pay a huge sum of money for visa and passport requirements. The Perfect public school is going to be established to provide quality education as did other schools of Pakistan. The Perfect public school will be affiliated with the B. I. S. E Sukkur. The educational industry that provide these types of services includes the competitors like beacon house, Frobels, Roots and City school. These institutions are established with the purpose of providing the quality education but initially they have done their job quite well in providing excellent education, and with the passage of time they start diverting from their core mission of providing quality education. Now their focus shifts to provide the luxurious environments to the students and not to provide the quality education. The students living in the luxurious environments are used to enjoy the beauties or luxuries of life and are not willing to hard work, normally student involves in other activities which lead them to depression and illegal works. The Perfect staff is well trained to guide the student about their career development. The Perfect school is one of the prestigious students and established in the capital of Pakistan in F-10 Islamabad. The reason behind choosing this location that is capital of Pakistan is that we can get attention to the people. Secondly the people living in that part are very well aware of the educational needs and they fully know the importance of good education. Thirdly there are a reasonable number of foreigners living and they want to get their children to get a quality education. Fourthly there are mostly living the elite class of people in Islamabad and our business is mostly targeted to the elite class. The Perfect public school comprises of an elegant building, three grounds for outdoor sports activities of the students and one sports complex for indoor activities like table tennis, badminton, squash etc. The school will consist of almost 5-7 class rooms, 1 staff room and one principal office. The class rooms will be very well decorated and well furnished. The male and female staff will be hired for better education. As principal, I will regularly visit the classes, our progress towards implementing the strategies within the Business Plan, as well as the achievement of milestones and targets. Our values Success for every student. Diversity Ideal Customer The ideal customer for the Perfect Public Schools foreign language programs falls into one of two categories. The first is a middle class working person who feels the need to learn a foreign language either for a pressing work-related need, a desire to have more options in career, or a wish to travel to a foreign country and enjoy the experience more. These individuals, however, feel they cannot afford one-on-one tutoring, but are too social to be able to be content with a book, online program, or software to learn the language. They desire a classroom experience both as a structured approach to force them to make a commitment to the language learning and as a means to have extensive social interaction through the process. Market Description Perfect Public School targets customers with the following characteristics: 05 to 15 years of age Locals Male and Female Situation Analysis The Perfect Public School will be in the first year of business as a start-up operation. The School believes that the market demand for their services will be great and are convinced that a cohesive marketing strategy is required for The School. Market Summary The Perfect Public School possesses good information regarding their market and the target segments that they wish to serve. The School will leverage this information to better understand who is served, their specific needs, and how The School can better serve them. Market Needs The Perfect Public School will provide the education with a source of knowledge. This market need is important as many parents’ are faced with the dilemma of using their limited income on education. Pricing: The Perfect Public Schools fees will be noticeably better than local schools. Market Trends The market trend for schools reinforces consolidation. Market Growth In 2012, the global educational system/industry as a whole was 897 Million industry. The education system is forecasted to continue its record growth. Pakistani society in particular has become increasingly reliant on education. This conclusion seems to be fairly intuitive as many individuals have a vested interest in living longer and more educated. SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the key strength and weaknesses within  the area, and describes the opportunities and threats facing The Perfect Public School. Strengths †¢A unique, current business-environment-appropriate business model. †¢Excellent staff who are highly trained and very competent. †¢Games. Weaknesses †¢The lack of visibility and brand equity of a start-up business. †¢Lack of true experience. †¢Government intervention/regulation into education is possible. Opportunities †¢Outside pressure on students. †¢The constant growth of the number of students taking education. †¢Newly formed alliances of school systems. Threats. †¢The entry into the market by an established school. †¢Some event that cripples education. Competition Competition takes many different forms in the education industry. †¢Chain of schools: These are private national chains such as City School. Keys to Success The keys to success are: Male and female students. Low overhead and operating costs. Normal prices and services. Financial Objectives A double digit growth rate for the first three years. Reduce the variable costs associated with servicing each student order by 4% a year. Profitability by the end of year. Sales Forecast. Sales Forecast 2013 2014 2015 Sales Walk-in customers (students) 83,056 243,778 343,540 New Old customers 76,994 976,543 1,234,654 Total Sales 360,050 1,720,321 2,078,194 Direct Cost of Sales 2001 2002 2003 Walk-in customers 111,664 453,705 514,559 New Old customers 79,647 439,444 555,594 Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales 191,311 893,149 1,070,154 Expense Forecast Marketing expenses are to be budgeted so they ramp up quarterly. These intervals are chosen because they are the common intervals that students who are getting several types of courses in same school. Controls. The purpose of the marketing plan is to serve as a guide to the organization. The following areas will be monitored to gauge performance: Revenue: monthly and annual. Expenses: monthly and annual. Repeat business. Students’ satisfaction. Contingency Planning Difficulties and risks: Problems generating visibility. Difficulty developing sufficient talent. An entry into the education market from an already established, larger schools like City and Grammar School. Worst case risks include: Determining that the business cannot support itself. Having to lab equipment to cover liabilities. Competition.